2. Planes and trains

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Ava's POV

"Hello there" I watched as Harry flirted with a girl, she was stunning. I watched as Harry gave her a kiss on the hand and sat down on the empty seat next to her I couldn't really hear what they were saying but he was constantly leaning in giving her kisses on the cheek while she giggled. I realized my seat was next to them so I awkwardly went and sat next to them, they didn't even see me as they just continued to flirt with one another.

"Heya" I looked to my side to see Indie and Niall sitting in the seats across me, the plane's aisle in between us.

"Oh hey guys" I smiled trying to focus on them rather than Harry and the random girl next to us eating each others faces off. Mount Seymour was about 3 and a half hours away from where we lived so not too long. I decided to take a small nap.

When I woke up neither Harry nor the girl were next to me. I turned to my side to see Indie passed out, leaning on Niall's shoulder and Niall on his laptop.

"G'mornin" he smiled,

"hey, how long was I out?"

"Not long, it's only been an hour or so. Did you sleep okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did actually. I couldn't sleep last night I was too nervous to go on this trek" I said shyly

"nervous? How come? Don't like heights?" He laughed

"Actually, I've never really been on a trip without my parents" he looked up in shock

"what?" I realized how incredibly stupid I looked when I said that, I was 19 and hadn't ever gone anywhere without them.

"Well, we gotta make this one good for you yeah?" He smiled causing me to let out a bigger smile. He looked up and laughed when he saw Harry walk out of the airplane's toilet followed by the mystery girl he was flirting with, his perfect hair was a lot messier now and his button up shirt was barely buttoned anymore (A/N: picture of what I sorta thought Harry's hair would look like ALSO 2013 Harry has my heart) The girl walked behind him, her hair tangled as she tried to straighten her top up. They came and sat down.

"Oh Ava hi I didn't see you" of course you didn't, I thought

"Hey Harry"

"oh this is Elle, Elle this is Ava we went to college together" he introduced to me to the girl who now apparently had I name, I greeted her and she literally ignored me. She seemed nice.

Slightly confused, I turned over to look at Niall who had a smirk on his face

"what?" I asked him

"what do you mean what? They clearly fucked" causing me to choke on the orange juice I was sipping on

"woah woah woah, sorry about that Darlin" he laughed watching me clearly get uncomfortable.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Indie mumbled, she was trying to sleep but Niall's laugh was just way too loud (A/N: sorry I just love Niall's laugh it's adorable) Now Niall was deliberately laughing harder to piss Indie off, it was working.

"Ugh I hate you" she growled.

We finally reached Seymour but the journey did not end there. We now had to go on a 2 hour and 45 minute train ride to actually make it to the cabins we were staying at. I grabbed my backpack and made my way to the train.

"Hey, Ava sit with us?" Indie asked to which I nodded. Me, Indie, and Niall sat on one side while Harry, Elle, and one of Elle's friends sat on the opposite side of us. Everyone began to talk amongst themselves, I stayed quiet.

"Hey Indie, Elle's friend is kinda hot no?" Niall asked I watched as Indies smile faded away.

"Yeah she's pretty" she shrugged.

"of course you find every girl pretty wouldn't be surprised if you were into girls" he laughed, to which she slapped him.

"Woah" I let out a laugh

"there's nothing wrong with being into girls but no I am not" she huffed before Niall could say anything she turned around to look at me.

"by the way Ava, are you like following me? First I see you at the supermarket and now you're going on the same trek as us" she jokingly asked

"actually the supermarket was a coincidence but you kinda inspired me to go on this trek" I smiled

"How so?" Niall chipped in, his cheek still red from Indies slap

"um, well remember how I told you I've never been on a trip without my parents? Well, I've never really been able to do much as far as social life goes my parents have always wanted me to focus on school but I decided it was time to explore what the world has to offer so here I am" I smiled,

"well if this is your first trip we gotta make it epic! " indie cheered, she opened her backpack to grab a bottle of vodka and some paper cups,

"gotta keep the essentials ya know" she winked causing me to laugh, she poured us all a little bit of vodka

"a toast, to Ava's first trip!" She cheered

"to Ava's first trip" Niall cheered back

"what are we toasting to?" Harry asked

"well if you were paying a little bit of attention you'd know" indie snapped back.

"Okay okay sorry I'm here now"

"it's indies first trip by herself, so we've vowed to make it special. And since you're also apart of our group you're vowing to it too now" Niall said

"Alright sounds like a plan" Harry smiled. I watched as Elle rolled her eyes, great we have a mean girl in the house. Just what I needed to make this trip extra special. We all had our drinks before Elle suggested we play Never have I ever.

"So if you've done it, you have to take a drink" Elle explained the rules. I'm quite glad she did because I had no idea how to play.

"Okay Ava you go first"

everyone's heads snapped to look at me.

"um, never have I ever kissed someone" they all took a sip, everyone but me.

"You've never kissed anyone?" Harry asked looking shocked, I just shook my head.

"not surprised" Elle scoffed.

"Okay my turn, Ava don't worry about it" Niall assured me

Never have I ever gone skinny dipping" I watched as everyone but myself, Elles friend and Niall took a sip.

"Oooo indie" Niall teased her

"shut up Nialler"

"okay never have I ever smoked a cigarette"

Elles friend said, no one took a sip, I was quite surprised to see that none of them had smoked before. We continued playing for a bit before we eventually got bored. We chatted for the rest of the train ride until we finally reached Seymour. Although no cars were allowed on the mountain, trains were the only vehicles permitted on the premise. We got off and it finally hit me, I was about to begin a new adventure. What I didn't know was that this adventure was about to change me and my life.

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