"My rival boyfriend😉🤫"

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My names Kim and before y'all ask if I have siblings yes I do. His dumbass is named Luis aka igotcuteankles. But when the booty bandit isn't on camera, he usually trying to bully me and eat my I repeat my food. But this is going to be the story about the time I had a run in with a rival gang.
I was in the gang called the Mafia, I was basically the younger "sister" of the leader, which was Charlie magieanni. He was a cold-hearted killer, he once killed a whole family with no remorse. Suprisingly he said I looked like his little sister and decided that he would protect me no matter the cost. I remember the time he told me the story of how he lost his little sister, I'd never thought I'd see the day where a cold-stone killer cried and told a heartbreaking story.
Lillian was a smart simple girl. She was my baby sister that I looked after. My mother was never there and when she was we were getting hit by her and her bottles. Lillian was the person that could make me stop my anger tangents. She was the only person that i could be myself around and she accepted me for me. The day I took custody of her was the best of my life, I just wish I never agreed to let our mom visit. She came and killed my sister, I came home to a quiet house. I felt something wasn't right, I looked for her until I found her lifeless in the bath tub. I was so hurt by it, I called the police to tell them what happened and after her funeral is when I flipped the switch. I knew killing was wrong but without my sister here to make me be me again. Anything that's wrong just seems so right.
I never felt so bad for anyone until I met Charlie. One time me and Charlie were handling business the locos thought it was a good idea to try n run up. They sent 3 of their boys in who happened to catch my eye. They thought Charlie was alone and decided to go for him. I pointed my two guns behind the curly head boy and the boy with a short cut, Charlie got the extremely light skin one. We tied them to chairs and got their names. The curly head is Vallyk, the extreme light skin is Derek and short cut is mike. Makes sense now that their tied down, Charlie went to go finish his business and left me in charge of those 3 idiots. All Vallyk did was complain that he was hungry and how his hands hurt, Derek was just making the most sus faces ever and thought that I didn't see them and mike was just staring at me. Mike is cute n all but we're in two different gangs, it would never work and someone might get killed for messing with the other gang. Vallyk finally stopped complaining and seen that mike was staring at & then had the nerve to say "mike just shoot your shot already cause you staring at her not gone work." Mike had said that us talking could get one of them killed and honestly that's what I was thinking.
Something about these boys makes me wonder why the hell their part of the locos instead of the mafia. They are complete idiots but funny. Anyways Charlie came back and and told me that we had to go, I untied the boys and told em to leave. That's when mike said meet us at the old house near the river at 12. I hope this mf know it is 11:45 & that I wanna go home. I ended up saying ok and leaving cause if I didn't Charlie would've went back Inside and started lighting up the house. I went home, changed, I almost ate until my fat brother took a bite of my sandwich and let me tell you, I've never felt more disrespected a day in my life till now. I'm standing at the old abandoned house near the river until I hear one person go "so after you get her number, we're gonna go to my house and eat." I knew that was Vallyk because he was the only one that actually said anything about food the whole time he was tied up. Mike and I talked for a solid 30 minutes until he asked for my number. I told him if Charlie finds out that we met up, he's going to kill me and slaughter you. Mike laughed cause he thought it was a joke until he seen that me,Derek, and Vallyk wasn't laughing. He said he hated the locos anyway cause they were terrible at killing people, not only that it's a bunch of young kids. Makes sense of why all the crime scenes never made sense now. They were planning on joining the mafia soon because they take it anymore. I told them after this year I'm not doing anymore gangs, I'm just tryna live my life before I wont have one.
2 months later
I ended up leaving the mafia and not getting killed. I started dating mike last month, I talked Charlie out being in a gang and I finally can eat my food to myself. Me,Vallyk, & Derek are now close friends & they also left their gang as well. Vallyk is still complaining about him being hungry, Derek is still a bit sus but he told me that he was only for Vallyk and mike, & mike is just mike. He's a damn knuckle head but he's my knuckle head though. And that's how I had met "my rival boyfriend."

For @big_b0i___mattia

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