Agora hills

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Nicole looked around her room for her baby blue Polaroid camera that she carries around whenever she goes out with Irwin . Irwin and her weren't very from the same back ground but somehow they managed to meet and Merge together as a couple. Irwin came from a rough part of Toronto, constantly looking over his shoulder was just apart of where he was from Meanwhile Nicole came from a very high end part of Ottawa, not worrying about her surroundings and reminiscing about the castle she had visited while she was back home in Ottawa.

Anyways Nicole had been seeing Irwin for about 3 weeks now and she couldn't be more sure about a person that she had genuinely fell for.
Flashback :
First time they bumped into each other. Irwin clearly wasn't feeling the house party his friend had thrown and Nicole isn't very fond of parties but yet she let her friends convince her to come to this party. She pulled him outside so he can breathe in the crisp air that had left light layer of dew on the grass and the quiet neighborhood that would engulf them until one spoke. Irwin explained his night and Nicole sat, listened, and gave advice for any events that could happen in the future for which he did use.
Second time they met it was under a light coincidence that it was fast food restaurant and the both just chose what was close. The two sparked light conversation catching up on what they had missed in each other's lives for 3 months and had decided to give one another their number. With love swirling in the air, a heavy sheet of awkwardness fell upon them as they were still trying to continue a conversation that should've stopped after swapping numbers.
The third time they met had to been after Irwin made a stage name for himself and were being followed based on his every move. The day she was carrying around her baby blue Polaroid camera capturing the beautiful essence of the silent street that would soon be swarmed with flashing cameras and screaming fans.
Vanessa POV:
"Who could that be?" I asked myself as I slowly started to step closer towards the crowd of flashing lights. She lightly makes her way through the crowd, making sure that every step is taken carefully and calmly. She now reaches the front of the crowd to see Irwin in his prime. "He looked...different compared to the last time I seen him." She thought to herself as she raised her camera and snapped a picture of this memory. She then asked him to sign it to which he did but kept walking.  Once he reached his black car, he turned to take a quick glance at Nicole and get into the car. Nicole looked at the Polaroid that had written "Missed seeing you around. Call me XOXO -Irwin." Later that night, I had called him and he came to my house in a drop top car, it was a bit old fashion but I loved the feel of the car. As we were soon to pull off, Irwin asked for my camera to which I handed him. I started to fix my scarf that was on my head through the review mirror when suddenly a flash went off. I was startled at first but once I adjusted, I wanted to see the picture to which Irwin had put in the back phone.
-End of flashback-
Nicole looked around her room for her baby blue Polaroid camera that she carries around whenever she goes out with Irwin . That camera is her way of capturing her love for Irwin within camera form, no matter the distance between them during his tours, the flights he takes during his meetings with different artists, or his car trips to see his dog Miles . Irwin still keeps that Polaroid of Nicole from that night he told her he loved her. He carries the photo of Nicole around to which he wrote " You're my hazel and I'll forever be your Jimmy." Everyone hates when Irwin goes on tour due to him constantly mentioning Nicole but what can you say, he took the picture and now it'll last forever with him and within his heart.

A/N: long time no see. I'm sorry I disappeared for sometime but I'm definitely thinking of doing a new and improved imagines book.

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