"I guess ima have to call him bae🤫☺️" pt.1

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Irwin is one of the finest boys in New Jersey high school no doubt about that. Every girl wants Irwin because of the "meat" rumor. It's probably true , it's probably not, the world will never know.
Irwin's also one of the popular kids and it's only cause of his "body count". Last year he looked completely different than he did this year. Last year, he was NJHS nerd aka the vibrant nerd. Everyone tried to bully him even the janitor and he's an adult. I tried sticking up for him but that only led to me getting beat up and told to stay out it. And I did what I was told after a good 6 beatings.
Than he forgot that I even existed.
I used to have a crush on Irwin when he was a nerd.
I guess the summer time changed him caused he bulky as a mother fucker. I also believe that the school thots took advantage of the "don't leave no boy behind unless he's a nerd" policy.
Anyway I have three classes with Irwin, health which is second period ,our free period which is fifth period , and art which is fourth period.
Let me tell y'all how this boy tried to dunk on me.
During Health, there's either three things going on. The complaining of the students having to run a mile , the sounds of depression during dodgeball, or the arguments of nothing during basketball. Thankfully baseball is only during the spring/summer time. It's winter crossing over into spring. So the boys are playing basketball and some girls are just watching, some are studying, and others like me are just on their phones. So Mr.Waldo thought it was a good idea to mix boys and girls while playing basketball. Let me tell y'all when I say the females hid in the locker rooms until Mr.Waldo said Ressa come down on the court n play. I mean they were quick to spare no time into running away. Some girls fell as others scrambled for a spot to hide.
I was on the team with two good players and the others were ok than there's the other team that were 6' foot giants that were dunking machines. Mid way into the game, I got passed the ball. When I tell y'all, I panicked so hard I shot the basketball into net. I mean I threw it with hella body strength and still made it. I got the point as half court shot and was high fived all around. I looked over at Irwin and he didn't look a bit happy. Later on in the game, Irwin tried to dunk on me and when I say I jumped up to his chest and smacked that ball. I made basketball seem like it was volley ball for a day. Mind you I'm only 5'7, so this was an achievement for me for like the rest of my life. Anyway I got the ball and was dribbling between my legs and passed it to the Jason(who wears glasses) . He made the shot and my team went wild. We said celebration after school and to all meet up at Jason's house. I knew that I wasn't gonna go cause I'm not really a go out type of gal, so instead I stayed silent and walked away as the school bell rang.
Irwin just looked at me as I walked away as if he never seen me before.
Skip to fifth period cause I'm lazy again

Irwin sat down next to me as I was reading. Irwin started apologizing about how he was giving me dirty looks earlier. I told it was fine. Than he said that we're partners for our art project. As much as I hated doing partner work for any class, I'm gonna have to just hurry up and get this project done With or without him. He had also said to meet him at his house after school as if I know where he lives. I think he must've forgotten I don't know where he lives let alone his last name. He told me that he would text me his address just in case I didn't know which I didn't but ok.
Later on cause I'm super lazy again🤦🏽‍♀️

I brought over all my art supplies and hopes of us finishing this project TODAY but boy was I wrong.
All Irwin wanted to do was talk and there's nothing wrong with that I mean unless you don't count me wanting to do the project and me going home soon than nah it's nothing wrong with that. Than I guess Irwin was having a little mental breakdown cause then he started telling me every thing that happened during the summer and school year. Oh boy

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