"Needed to lose him to love me😞💔"

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Derek and I have been going out for a solid 7 months and don't get me wrong going out with him is fun but it's like he's changing. Like yeah, I give him his space and even when he doesn't text me for a week, I don't throw my little hissy fits. Today was the day that Derek said he was going to jersey to spend the weekend with mike and Vallyk. The drive down to Vallyk's house is like maybe an 7 or 8 hour drive. So about 8 hours later I first texted Derek to see if he got there safely but he didn't reply than I texted Vallyk to see if Derek made it to his house safely. Vallyk texted back 30 seconds after I sent my text saying "Derek isn't spending the weekend over." I thought it was a joke so I replied with"ha good joke". This is what made me a bit worried was when he replied with "not a joke Jay. Derek told me that he's coming over next weekend cause he was spending this weekend with you." I looked at my phone with tears cause Derek lies to me and Vallyk both. I called Vallyk , told him what Derek told me and told Vallyk that he lied to the both of us. Vallyk was a bit taken back and said he would never. That's what I said at some point of this thing I call a relationship.

Derek, I don't know if I'm able to trust you anymore. I said as I looked at the beautiful blue ocean. Derek looked a bit hurt but he replied to me with " I trusted you through this whole relationship. You were my rock when I didn't have one, how could I never think about a time I never trusted you." I fell for it. I fell for his words once again after he cheated on me for the second time. He knew I fell for it because he seen a slight smile on my face. " I promise you the world and much more.  You are my one n only and you are always my first priority." You wanna know the next words I said?. They were"Derek I trust you and I forever will." I fell for his words as if they were true.
End of flashback
I couldn't bear the thought of him anymore. I actually trusted him and this is the thanks I get. I was still on the phone with Vallyk as I was going on my tangent about how this always happened. What I didn't realize was that I was getting dressed and ready to go to derek's house. I hopped In my car and put my phone in the cup holder next to the drivers seat. My phone automatically connected to my car and all I heard Vallyk saying was" Don't do it jay". I screamed at him saying" This happens all the time Vallyk and I'm tired of it. All I do is trust him and hope that he never cheats again knowing that he might. He lied to us Vallyk can't you see that. He lied to two people that put the most trust into him and what are we supposed to do huh, Vallyk? He's going to keep doing what he's doing now Vallyk. I'm tired of him playing me as if I was a fool. I let him think that for to long. What if he thinks that we're stupid n didn't figure it out by now huh ,Vallyk? And what do suppose we do after that Vallyk? Let him continuously do it and we both know he won't put a stop to it. I'm sorry Vallyk but i can't continue to be the fool anymore. I gotta go". I heard Vallyk saying "don't" as I hung up. Derek said all those lies to fill my head up while he was running around doing lord knows what. I got to Derek's house and made my way to his door. I took a deep breath and opened it. There he was with some girl cuddling on his couch. He looked as is he was surprised that I came. I told him the same lines he told me. "I trusted you through this whole relationship. You were my rock when I didn't have one, how could I never think about a time I never trusted you". As he got up and tried to explain I told him his last lie he told me" I promise you the world and much more.  You are my one n only and you are always my first priority." He stopped and looked down at his feet as he realized I caught his lie. I looked at him and said " you lied to me, made empty promises and even lied to Vallyk." Derek looked up and said he didn't mean to.  I realized that I had recorded the whole argument. I stopped and said "all you ever did was cheat and than lied about. I started to hate myself because you wanted a perfect girlfriend with a perfect body and a perfect life." Derek than says"YOU ? Oh typical jay. Once she gets upset she'll turn the whole situation into something about her. Always playing victim. She treats me better than you will ever treat me". " I tried and when I tried my hardest to make you happy, you just pushed me away and made me think that I did something wrong. There was never a time I played victim. I always played fair. You know what, we're done, you won." I stopped in front of the door and looked back at Derek who had tears in his eyes. "I wish you the best in life and I hope you find the one for you even if it wasn't me." And with that sentence being said I left and drove home.  I stopped the video and sent it to Vallyk and with that I went to sleep.
A couple months later
I started loving myself and my body a lot more than I did when I was with Derek.  I'm with Vallyk and I love him so much. He treats me like a princess and I treat him as if he was the only boy in the world. I guess I Needed to lose him to love me.

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