"Hey, you okay?" Elliot grabbed my slightly visible trembling hand and gasped. "You're freezing cold," His eyes assessed my eyes and my face, "and pale. Are you okay?"

"Students!" Ms. Fletcher yelled and we snapped out of our trance. I smiled at him and nodded. I didn't know if I had a tongue since I felt like I had swallowed it down my throat.

But, he didn't let go of my hand. His hand was big and warm and I liked the feeling of it. His shampoo or soap was really strong and kept on filling my lungs. I always had a thing for long hair. And I loved his.

I bet they would feel so soft and silky smooth between my fingers.

'Good! I was going good. Distract yourself.'

Elliot had an ear pierced. Right ear to be precised. A small black stud had filled that hole. His jaw had little stubble around but, I could smell his aftershave. His blue eyes met mine and he smiled. Something was wrong in that moment. But, I didn't know what until I shifted my gaze and caught a pair of scowling turquoise eyes staring me down.

I licked my lips and his eyes traveled down to my lips. I swallowed the lump and he watched my throat.

What the hell was he doing?

I looked away and watched Elliot frowning at me.

"Thank you." I whispered to him.

He leaned in to speak in my ear and I could hear the smile when he spoke, "To let you check me out? Did I pass?"

Heat crawled to my cheeks and my mouth went dry. He must think I was some creep or weirdo. But then he grabbed my hand and brought to his chest. A loud clearing of throat made him drop my hand and he looked at Easton.

"What?" He asked.

Easton just shrugged. "I thought you like AP English."

Why did he hate me so much? Because we were living in his huge house which could take in more people than I could count? Because I drove his car to school?

Well, all of it just seemed like tantrums of his foolish jerkiness. Of his rich status and arrogant attitude.

When I glanced at my right Jeanette's eyes were glued to my brother's. What the hell were they doing staring at each other in the middle of the class while her boyfriend is one seat apart from her?!!!

I nudged her and she snapped out of it and mumbled a quick sorry before looking upfront.

Thanks to Elliot, who kept me distracted, the rest of the damn AP English went without me feeling the need to blurt out or die.


"So, you have cheer practice already?" I asked Tabby, as I shut my locker and turned to look at her.

She nodded, biting her lip, bouncing from foot to foot. Just like sometimes she didn't get me, I didn't get her too. Why was cheerleading so important to her? Why what others thought about her outfit or hair was so important to her? Or why a guy telling her how beautiful she was was more important than her own sister telling the same thing?

Guess, somethings didn't have explanations after all.

She was already dressed in a red and yellow cropped V-neck top and of the same double color mini skirt. Alden would lose his shit if he saw her right now.

I smiled at her, grabbing her hand in mine. I couldn't believe my baby sister was growing up so fast. "Okay. So, you'll take the drive with Jeanette?"

She looked around and shook her head, leaning into me she whispered, "She quit."

I gaped at her. "What? Why?"

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