Chapter 21

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Sabrina POV

As I'm driving to the small pizza restaurant an ambulance drives past us and I didnt think anything of it but then a fire truck and three police cars blaring their sirens pass us shortly after.

I hear Emiley yell loud enough asking what I think is going on.

"I'm not sure"

Then the vehicle in front of us out of nowhere slams on its breaks with no warning. I clicked my breaks as to try and save us alittle harm from hitting a vehicle but i didnt click it fast enough.
The bike rammed head first into the back of the car causing me and Emiley to bolt forward flying on top and over the car in front of us.

The thing that was running threw my head was 'fantastic neither of us had helmets'

Emiley POV

I was enjoying the nice breeze from the wind through my hair until I was suddenly lunged forward with much force.
My instincts kicked in causing me to take control of my situation as I was tumbling over the car and land on both feet like a cat onto the ground with no damage done to me.

I'm still standing there confused trying to process the situation until Tank cuts in.

'MATE MATES HURT' Tank yells in my head frantically.

I then start smelling fresh blood leading me to the opposite side of the car where Sabrina was laying there with her head cut open and some scrapes down her arms and holes cut in her pants from sliding on the cement of the road.

I immediately run and kneel down to face her, she is still conscious as her eyes find mine.

I immediately grab her hand squeezing it telling her to stay awake.

A man jogged towards us he looked about in his mid 30s to early 40s.
He looked very frantic and asking if we were okay if we needed help and he kept apologizing saying the police car that was passing by cut him off without warning.

As hes speaking I can feel Tank getting angry knowing he was the driver of the vehicle and my eyes started shifting back and forth between mine and Tanks eyes while Sabrina is still staring into my eyes with a puzzled look as to how its possible for them to change.

'Let me take over now' Tank demands.
'No we have to stay control please Tank we will have to move again we cant let this happen especially after we found our mate' Tank starts wimpering but is soon cut off by the man that continues to apologize.

I think that man finally put Tank over the edge because now my eyes were the eyes of Tanks, a gentle light purple color but in this situation theres nothing gentle.
I feel Tank start giving off this evil growl at the man which Sabrina notices and starts shifting around in fear of me.

'Great look what you did Tank now shes scared of us'

Tank whimpers and once the man catches our attention asking what he can do Tank then takes control of my body and stands up to look at him and starts yelling for him to call an ambulance.

The man immediately pulls out his phone while his body is shaking in fear.

Sabrina POV

When I see her eyes change to a purple color I got alittle scared because I've never seen that happen but when she started growling which was un human like thats when it hit me, fear hit me. I have never been so scared in my life even after getting thrown off my motorcycle and possibly dieing soon nothing has terrified me more than this intriguing person in front of me.

She the removes her warm hand from mine missing her warm and soft touch.
I follow her with my eyes because I couldn't move worth my life from the pain surging threw my body.
All I hear is this deep voice coming from her body telling the man to call an ambulance.

I got a better look at her standing up and questions started running threw my head.
Why doesn't she have one speck of blood or one single cut on her body.
Her clothes are not torn like mine it's as if she was never apart of the wreck.

I then start hearing sirens coming towards us and all I see is Emiley put attention back on me.

"You hear that the ambulance is coming mate" I deeper voice tells me. I look back into the purple like eyes with my vision starting to go in and out.

The last thing I hear is a deep voice telling me to keep my eyes open right before I blacked out.


I've created a new book its called Hardship if your interested!!!😀😀



Ensley, a 20 year old hard working single parent of a 4 month old baby with no family of friends to help her with hard times.

Larkin, a 24 year old who is the owner of one of the largest industry's in the United States.

What happens when Larkin walks into a coffee shop like she does every morning before work and sees a new worker struggling while trying to take care of a baby in her arms

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