Chapter 11

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Deja Vu


I rolled over and moved into a fetal position clutching my stomach. I'm starving.

I got out of bed and took a hot shower. I towel dryed my hair and put some curl moose in it. I'm so glad we went shopping yesterday.

I pulled on a halter top with some black ripped jeans and my combat boots. I put on a little bit of make up and headed out.

When I reached the kitchen I saw Carter sitting at the island with his head down.

"You okay buddy?"  I asked while getting cereal.

"Huh? Yeah. Sure."

I sat across from him and ate. The silence was very akward and all I heard was my obnoxious crunching. I quickly ate and got up.

"I'm going hunting."


"Me, myself, and I."

He looked up at me like I was crazy.

"What? Im not a kid. Im going alone."

"No your-"

"Ill go with her" Angie finished. She was in a crop top with leggings and some sneakers that matched her shirt. Her hair was in a messy bun and of course she had make up.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door. I hate being babied. I made it this far by myself. Im perfectly fine.

Once we walked into the border of the forest I gripped harder onto my bow and started jogging. Angie wasn't far behind.

There wasn't much game today. Once I reached a certain point Angie stopped me.

"Wait! We shouldn't go that far." She panted.

"You didn't have to come with me." I stated and kept jogging.

After a while we approached a plaza. A desserted one. I decided rat it out. Maybe I'll fine some survivors or weapons.

Before Angie can stop me I ran in and started inspecting. There was nothing in the first store. Someone has already been here.

I ran back. "Angie. Someone was here. It's been rated out."

Her face lit up. "Really? " she ran to the other stores and I followed. Nothing. Someone was definitely here at one point.

Suddenly I heared many foot steps and moans. A couple of walkers. I walked up to it with my katana. But Angie held me back. A hoard of walkers came out.

Shit. Just my luck.

"I'll detract them. You go." I said grabbing my gun.

"No I can't leave you."

"Just go!" I gave her a shove. She started to run. Many took notice of her. I fired a shot in the air and the started to come to me. Once they got closer I started to run. The followed close behind. I dodged trees and moved branches. I ran as fast as I could.

I looked back.

There were too many.

I started picking up the speed and ran up a tree, climbing up quickly. I sat on a sturdy branch. They surrounded the tree.

I always get into trouble. I guess I have to wait this out. They tried climbing but failed. I looked around. It's already becoming dark.

~Carter's P.O.V.~

I fidget around on the couch, tapping my foot on the ground. When are they coming back? They've been out for so long.

I stand up to greet them. I smile as I see Angie only she doesn't smile back. My smile drops, "Where is she?" She stares at me with sorrowful eyes.

"What's going on around here?!" Channing storms in with Aundrey on his tail.

Angie took a seat on the couch and so did we. She stared at her shoes. "So...?" I asked impatiently.

"She's gone." She stated quietly. "There are survivors."  She looked up. "They are here."

We stared at her in shock and dis belief.

"There were too many of them... A whole herd." She paused for a moment.

"She saved my life." She stated with tears rolling down her dirt covered face. "I should have followed her."

I stood up. "So she's still alive?!"

Angie nodded.

"Let's not make hasty desicions. We will get her tomorrow. It's too dark."Channing said strongly. I knew he ment it. But I needed to get her. I wouldn't live with myself if she...

I stormed out of the room. I locked myself in my bedroom and got my weapons together. I'm going to find her.

~Two hours Later~

I creeped out of my room. Weapons in hand. It's clear. I quietly walked out of the house and once I was a few yards away I ran. I should have never let her go without me. This is all my fault. My eyes threatened to let it all out. A tear fell down my face.

~Brianna's P.O.V. ~

I woke up panting. This is deja vu. I lost Angie the same way I lost Tiff. I silently wept.

I looked down and wiped my tears off my face. The walkers were gone. But... I don't know how to get back. I can try but... My sense of direction was never perfect.

I take out my phone. No signal. Great. 

Maybe I'm not high enough...

I secure my weapons and continue to climb. I climb as high as I can and then I pull out my phone once more. 1 bar.

It can go away at anytime so I betyer make this quick. I call the house. That's my best option.

Rinnng. Rinnng. Rii-
Who's this?..

It was Aundrey I can tell by his voice.
Aundrey! It's me, brianna. Please hel-

What? I looked down at my phone. Stupid signal.

*rustling of leaves*

I put my phone away quickly and hid from the noise. I took my gun out and held my gun.

I heard the footsteps. It's only one. I can take 'em. When it approached the tree i swung around with my gun pointed towards the victim.

"Brianna? Brianna!"

"Carter!" I jumped down from the tree and stumbled into his arms. He held me tight as I sobbed into his chest. He put my face in his hands. His eyes glistened with tears.

"God Brianna." He laughed slightly with a tear trickling down his cheek. And with that he pulled me into him. His lips crashing into mine. My knees went weak as I fell into him. He was the only thing holding me up at the moment. When we seperated I looked into his eyes and smiled.
Arghall ugerall

We both turn around. It's the same croud of walkers. Fuck.

He takes my hand into his and we run off. I run with all my might. I didn't realize until now how jumping off of that tree messed up my ancle.

I tripped and fell. I felt a strong pair of hands pick me up and put me his back. He runs until there isn't anymore moaning sounds.

He lightly lets me down as he sits down panting. I sit next to him handing him my only water bottle.

We sit there for a while.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him.

"I don't know."

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