Chapter 2

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Rude Awakenings



Brianna wake up!

I here my sister calling to me. I slowly wake up smiling. It's a nice day today. She smiles back. But suddenly her smile is wiped off her face. Then she lets out a sharp terrifying scream pointing behind me. I turn around to a walker and quickly stabbed it with my knife from my boot. I see many more limping toward us. Too many.





I yell at her to leave. She obeys. I run behind her but end up turning around to slice some heads off of stiffs.

What a rude awakening.

I fight most of them off but by the time I'm done ... She's gone.




I wake up panting and shaking. I shake it off and start packing my stuff. It's sunrise. I need to start moving. I stand on the bus to stretch.

A big smile appears on my face. In the distance I see big rich houses. This means food.

It seems about 30 minutes away. But I'm so hungry that I basically run skip the whole way.

I make it there way before 30 minutes. I walk up to the nearest house.

These houses are nice.

But unfortunately I have to clear it out first.

I get my swords out and take a deep breath. I bang on the walls as loud as I can.

Wakey Wakey Stiffs!!

I hear a couple of groans and grip onto my swords better. I start stabbing heads and slitting throats. I barely need to move. They all come to me like some sort of magnet.

The last one walks slowly like it really doesn't want to do this. In fact its too slow. I run up to it and slide my sword clean into the middle of its head. It stops moaning and goes limp on the white carpet.

See what you did. You stained the fucking carpet.

I kick it in the head for being so rude.

I clean my swords off and put them back in place while checking out the rest of the place. Thankfully there were no more zombies. I raid the cabinets for food.

Its mostly canned stuff. Its good and all but i need some meat. I eat some cold peas and peaches and then grab my bow and arrow.

I walk outside and into the woods. Food. Food. Food.

I stand behind a tree waiting for any sign of a walker or food.

After a while I start to see something move in a bush. Lunch.

I throw a rock at it causing a cute bunny to hop out.


I shoot it in the eye and keep moving.

If I didn't get it the stiffs would have.

I catch a few more squirrels and a bird. This can last me days.

I hear a rustling noise coming from behind and I turn around expecting more game. But no. I am presented with a walker who apparently isn't to thrilled with me taking what it thought was his. Pfft.

I shove a knife through its head not wanting to take the time to grab an arrow.

Suddenly another walker shows up extremely close which makes me trip and tumble down the hill.

When I finally get up sharp pain rushes through me. I feel the warm trickle of blood streaming down my face from my forehead.

As if it wasn't bad enough. I heard many groans and snaps of branches far behind me.

I have to get out of here.

I start climbing back up. I became dizzy with each step. Once I reached the house I was light headed and no longer felt safe. So I packed my bags and kept on walking.

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