Chapter 6

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*picture of Channing Tattum*

Snares and a Kiss





I push the covers off and jump off the bed with my knife in my hand, I put it nearby always, and look around. The beeping continued. I turned my head to see an alarm clock.

Oh wow don't I feel stupid.

I turned it off and just as I was winding down my door bursts open. I turn quickly ready to throw my knife.

I stop myself. I see 4 people staring me down like I'm some lunatic.

I put the knife down and apologize. They nodded their heads and left. Except Carter. He stood there with the same worried look on his face. We stood there for a while. Awkward.

I blushed and turned away. Sometimes it's hard to keep staring into someone's eyes. It's weird.

I start getting out my clothes hoping that he'd get the gesture and leave. But he doesn't.

I turn around to face him.

"Do you mind?" I ask pointing to my clothes.

He shakes his head as if trying to clear it and starts backing up, "Of course, sorry."

He closes the door and I let out a long sigh. I'm obviously not good at making good impressions.

I shake it off and hop into the shower and change. I wear my black shirt with skinny jeans and some combat boots. I pull my hair back into a bun and walk out of my room.

"Ooo girl you look cute" Angie complements.

"Thanks your looking good you self"

She gives me a warm smile as I sit next to her at the counter. I poor my self some cereal and devour it.

"So... You and Channing seem pretty close. Are you two dating?" I say without looking up.


I nearly spit out my breakfast. "Seriously?"

"Yeah I like him and all but... Zombie apocalypse, saving humanity. I don't think he wants to date"

I smile. "We'll see about that."

"Don't you even try Bri."

I roll my eyes and get up to put the dishes away. She does the same. We sit on the couch and talk about girl things until we were rudely interrupted.

"Wazzup Chikas?" Aundrey says while making his way in between us. We both roll our eyes and walk away. I went into Angie's room.

"So.. What are we doing today?"

"Hunting." She says while plopping on the bed. Sounds cool to me.

I look around. Her room is pretty nice. She really knows how to decorate.

"ALL RIGHT GUYS. OUT!" Channing yells through the house.

We all go out with our weapons and make our way to the woods. The one where I almost died. When we reached the outskirts of the forest I stopped. No one knew I stopped except Carter. He started walking towards me. But I wasn't looking I was too busy nervously eyeing the woods.

I felt a pair of two strong hands on my shoulders. I look into his eyes.

"It will be okay." He said firmly. All I could do was nod. He grabbed my wrist and I reluctantly trudged behind the others.

I instantly unsheathed my sword. I'm not taking any chances this time.

We shot a couple of squirrels on the way but then we stopped. I was about to question them until I saw it.

A shooting range. So cool. I felt myself get excited. We were going to train.

I threw some knives and shot some arrows. I was pretty good. But so were they.

We were having so much fun.

Or atleast I was. That was until near the end we heard a bunch of moans.

A group of walkers came hungrily limping toward us. They were limping pretty fast I might add.

I turned on my heels and started running. I jumped over tree stumps and ducked under branches. I was in the lead but I had no idea where I was going. I just started making turns. I was doing pretty good until my leg got caught in a snare.

The started to pass me as I tumbled backwards. Oh shit.

I tried getting back up but I couldn't. My foot was stuck. I tried opening the trap but it slipped and the nails slammed back into my foot causing me to let out a painful scream.

Channing came back for me though. He picked me up and started running. There wasn't enough time to take the snare off.

I buried my head into his chest, gritting my teeth. I tried so hard to ignore the pain. With every step I felt my body began to burn, threatening tears.

We finally made it out tho. Channing put me on the medical table.

He looked into my eyes, " It's going to be okay I promise."

He started pinning me down and I bit my lip, tears running down my face. The pain was unbearable.

Channing kissed my forehead. All I heard was his voice.

Everything went black.

All I felt was pain.

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