Chapter 4: The Deathsinger ( Part 1 )

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" Wake up! Wake up now! ", an unknown voice says with quite a stressed tone. " Who are you and what are you doing here? "
Lux opens her eyes and with a blurry vision, sees nothing but herself in a dark, cold place full of fog. She remembers this place. She's had a nightmare about it not too long ago! Soon afterwards she hears a shriek coming from her right side. She sees something like a graveyard that way, but can't see who or what made that noise. Looking around herself for the person that woke her up, she sees nothing and no one. Was that all in her head? She stands up and starts walking towards the graveyard. On her way, she sees a sign with the words " Wall of Pain ". Something was written before that, but she can't make up what it is since it's all scribbled out.
" The Deathsinger awaits you ", someone whispers in her ear. Lux quickly looks to the way the voice came from, but sees no one. Did she lose her mind? How did she get here? Where even is she? These are all questions she asks herself, that are doing nothing but driving her mad. Suddenly, she hears someone singing from the graveyard. She runs towards the noise, finally seeing what was luring her into the graveyard. Lux sees a ghost holding a book and a staff. Scared, she asks the ghost what his name might be. With a twist of his staff, he starts channeling his powers while singing the words " Your light is but a candle in the dark ". Lux tries to shoot a sphere of light towards it, but it just phases through. Quickly after her failed attempt at stopping the ghost he just disappears, leaving mist behind. Lux goes towards his last seen place, and finds a torn out page with the title " The Deathsinger " on it. She starts reading and finds out that this staff wielding ghost was once a man named Karthus, with a very unfortunate past. The last thing that is written about him is that he was last seen before sailing to a scribbled out place. The rest of the page is ripped apart. While looking for more clues as to who Karthus exactly is, she hears Ezreal approaching her from the distance. When she  turns to look at him, she sees him covered in the dark mist and looking somewhat like a ghost. While running towards him, Lux hears the singing again. She tries to warn Ezreal about it, but he goes towards the noise. Karthus starts singing even louder, making his words clear to hear.

Follow my voice, and slip away.
You will forget breath, you will forget love,
Hear my song.

Ezreal keeps going closer and closer to the Deathsinger, ignoring Lux's warnings. " You will not die alone ", Karthus tells Ezreal moments before they both fade away. Lux screams in pain, as she does not know what happened to her friend. Now, her main goal is finding Ezreal and getting him back to his normal self, no matter the risks.

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