Chapter 3: The Trial ( Part 1 )

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It's been over a week now since her first day at the Durandal God Weapon Academy. She's started to get known as the daughter of the high spellcasting teachers, but still only being friends with Ezreal, Jayce and Katarina.

Day 9, 12.30PM:

The school bell rings and as always, students rush to pack everything and get to the cafeteria as fast as possible, where limited portions of Sushi will be served. On her way out, Lux hears someone say something about a trial. She listens to to them and finds out that it's the school's official first trial! Whoever succeeds in a battle against many powerful robots will be able to sail to the magical Blessed Isles alongside Lux's favorite professor so far, Mr. Malcolm Graves. As soon as she hears that, she goes to the school counselor and signs up for it. Some short time after, the names of the participants are spoken over the school's speakers. Ahri, Lux and Jinx are the only ones that have entered for a chance to visit the Blessed Isles. Due to a teacher not being able to come to class at that time, Lux and Ezreal are free for the rest of the day. Lux begs Ezreal to join her and try out for the trip, while also texting Katarina and Jayce about it. They say they'll consider it, and Ezreal accepts straight away.

Day 10, 11.00AM:

As Lux is sitting in class, a voice announces the names of the participants once again, but this time also naming Kat, Jayce, Ez and a student called Kayn, which Lux has never heard of before. The voice also says that the registrations are over, meaning no one else can sign up. Lux whispers to Ezreal, " This'll be easy, right Ez? ". He gets out a quick nod and puts his attention back on the teacher. The rest of the class passes, while Lux is thinking ahead of what the trial will be like, and if she succeeds, what will it be like on the Blessed Isles?


The school bell starts ringing, getting Lux out of her daydreaming state and back to the real life. Realizing she hasn't picked up anything the teacher had been saying for the whole class, she asks Ezreal to give her his notes. Although he was annoyed from it, he still gives her his notebook. Lux smiles at him, taking it with her and going out to the school's yard, where she sees Jayce and Katarina sitting on a bench. Lux waves at them, but a tall and somewhat intimidating looking guy walks in front of her, standing there while staring at her." Excuse me? ", she says with a confused look on her face. " Who are you? ", she asks him. " I'm Kayn. I've heard alot about you, Lux. ", he replies before simply walking away from her. Lux has heard that voice before, as it seems to be quite familiar, but she can't remember when or where she's heard him. She starts walking towards Jayce and Kat, with Ezreal catching up to her.

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