My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy
I'm out of my mind

"Happy Pongal!"

I kept calling her out and placed my hands on her elbow, which she successfully shrugged off, off her.

"Hun, I swear I won't tease you or say anything cheesy. Come on, let's not ruin our first couple trip to abroad."

          "Couple?" She turned left and looked at me. "We aren't going on a honeymoon or anything, we are going on an official business travel. To work in America and not for vacationing over there." She reminded me like a strict officer.

           Honeymoon! My eye lit up but I held my tongue, to avoid making the situation worsen than it had already been. "I know", I said in a deflated tone with my shoulders sagging an inch.

            Just then an air-hostess came by our seats and asked politely. "Sir, Ma'am, what would like to have as your drink? We have some healthy fresh fruit juices, tomato juice and some alcoholic beverages to choose from."

            "Healthy!", Sasha scoffed. "All does this man knows is his Vitamin K, Vitamin H and Vitamin H+, and that's not even vaguely related to anything healthy."

"Eh? Pardon me? Vitamin what, Ma'am?". The confused air-hostess asked, while I wore a baffled look.

Gosh! Sasha!
She's going to spill all our code words.

            Once the words she had let out spontaneously got registered in her head, she sent an embarrassed smile in our direction. "Fresh orange juice for me, please." Giving her a curt nod, the air-hostess, started serving her glass. "I meant orange juice is healthy and has lots of Vitamin C. It'll keep me healthy and combat my on-sight of flu". Sasha rambled on, trying to cover up her slip of the tongue, disastrously.
She even faked a couple of coughs to prove she is catching the flu. "Hope the weather at our final destination doesn't aggravate it. Do you have any idea of our destination's prevailing weather conditions. Is it warm or cold?". She asked the dutiful air-hostess, who was pre-occupied in filling our glasses.

           "It's warm over there. You'll be fine Ma'am. Here you go, your healthy glass of orange juice." With a smile she handed over it to Sasha. I sheepishly smiled and gestured the same for me.

Once the cabin crew along with their trolley of beverages were out of sight and hearing range, Sasha punched my arm and threw an accusation on me.

"Urgh! It was so embarrassing. All because of you ", she scowled emphasizing the last line.

           "What did I do?" I shrugged innocently. "I didn't ask you to divulge our code words or ask you to put on an act of falling sick. Want my suggestion, you need more training for your acting skills". I flashed a smirk, before taking a gulp of her Vitamin C loaded juice.

            When she was about to turn around again and dial into her do not disturb mode, I grabbed her elbow to turn her back. I lifted my hands and clutched my earlobes to mouth — 'Happy Pongal'. I knew she wouldn't be able resist my innocent chocolate boy charm.

"Hopeless! Change your name to 'Hopeless Raghav Srivatsav'."

With that I knew I had won over her and broken her 'no talking' stance.

After all, you can't stay mad at a person, who makes you laugh.

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections

My Tom-Boy GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now