Blooming connection

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When I turned around I met oikawa's eyes.
"Why are you here"! I yelled at him. Still furious at his invasive math class encounter.
"There's alot of teams at this camp genius".
"That's not what I mean. Why are you in the karasuno room"! I was fuming.

"Well when I heard little bell would be here. I just had to come and see her". He winked. "well you have, now get out"
"Why? You don't remember how good I made you feel last time?" I blushed. "I didn't want that"!
"It seems like you wanted it". He walked towards me and put his hand under my chin pushing my head up.

"And you almost got us caught too". He whispered.
Shivers ran down my spine. God I hope no one else comes In to see me like this. "isn't the run starting soon". I rolled my eyes pushing his hand away.
"Yep and right now. Since I just got my brace off. I don't have to participate on the morning runs".
"What happened to you"? I asked slightly curious.

"My ankle collapsed under all my awesomeness" he said putting his arms on the back of his neck. "You're an idiot". I laughed.
He was an annoying airhead... But kinda funny, and kinda cute too.
"So what do you wanna do"? He asked abruptly interrupting my thoughts. "what are you talking about"? I crossed my arms. "well we both aren't running so we might as well spend these 35 minutes together. I mean we could take a walk.. or huddle up in a bathroom corner". "no thanks". I said

"Oikawa harder". He moaned. I scrunched my nose. "you're a pervert". But I couldn't help laugh. He grabbed my wrist.
"Come on let's go sit outside and watch. When they see me with you they're gonna be so jealous".
Before I could object he was already pulling me out the room. "here grab my hand". He said. I would have denied him but... He said it like an order. Not as some goofy dumbass.. more like... The captain and the ace of his team. I couldn't help but to listen.

So I grabbed his hand and he tightened his grip. His large hand over my small one. We walked out to the track. I was starting to worry about ushijima seeing me with oikawa. He might get mad and start a fight.

"Don't worry about ushibaka" oikawa hissed. Did he read my mind? "All the teams run out here EXCEPT Shiratorizowa their coach makes them run inside laps". I was relieved but weirded out that he read me so well. "ok good to know". I stated blankly. Looking around. There were alot of teams. And all the boys were just so perfect. What's wrong with me?
I'm a bunny among hungry lions here.
Oikawa squeezed my hand and we walked to sit right by the starting line. Everyone had their eyes on me.
And on oikawa who was holding me.
Including kageyama who I saw glaring holes into oikawa's head. We sat down on the grass next to the track. Oikawa let go of my hand and instead grab my waist. He pulled me to sit between his extended legs. I did. And I extended my legs as well. He put his hands in my hoodie pockets. And I put my hands in my lap. Then he rested his head on my shoulder.

By now I had all eyes on me but I pretended not to notice. It was nice to be seen though. Even if it was kind of embarrassing. I like ushijima but I feel like he may never want to tell people even if we did date. Which is ok but kind of painful. "alright boys line up". It was the coach of nekoma. His team looked like a bunch of sexy... Murderers? Yeah sounds right.

As the boys lined up. And also watched as oikawa layed over me. I noticed kageyama was still looking at me. I looked away blushing.
"Alright go"! One coach screamed. And every boy took off leaving dust behind them. They sure we're fast. I felt oikawa wrap his hands around me tighter through my pockets. My breathing increased.
I can't believe im letting him do this.

~15 minutes later
All the boys had finished the run. With this weird cat eye like boy from nekoma coming in last.
As the boys walked passed they all turned their heads to get a good look at oikawa. As Tanaka passed he let out a sigh. "how come oikawa gets girls so easy"! Nishinoya pushed him away. "let's go meat head".

Oikawa was slouching over me still. He was asleep.
As boys still walked by on the sidewalk path. I tried to wake him up. I took his hands out my pockets and turned around. He kept his head slouching into me. Oh god he was on my chest. I shook his shoulders.
His eyes started to open. "wake up oikawa". His eyes shot open. "what happened"? He asked.
What? He doesn't even remember falling asleep.
"You slept over me the whole time" I chuckled.
He smiled.

A real smile. It was soft and cute. "you let me sleep on you the whole time"? He asked in a mumble. I nodded my head. "I'm sorry" he rubbed his neck.
Hm I've never heard him apologize or be so sincere before. "It's ok. It's kind of cold and you atleast kept me warm". I didn't want him to feel bad.
He stood up and held out his hand. "let's go eat breakfast". I hesitated. But took his hand.

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