My new hangout (part two)

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When aobajohsai walked in all I could see was tooru oikawa. He was a star. And he was definitely one of the hotties. Unfortunately his fan girls were so annoying.

I would never wanna date someone that people were jealous at me for. Ushijima popped into my head. With his fan club. I didn't wanna admit it. But I took those words back.
Half way through the practice match I realized I should probably update Janae on the details of my crazy world right now.

I stepped outside to call her having to reassure satori I would come back in. When I went outside. I came face to face with kageyama. " uh uh hi" I said "hey. Are they free in there? karasuno wants to play them in a set" was all he said back. "Um actually they are playing aobajohsai right now". He grumbled. "So did ushijima give you your bag yet"? Why did everyone know about my life ? "Yeah that's why I'm even here" I said realizing I could have sounded rude.
Kageyama really was something. In his playing and in his looks.

These boys they're so... cute. "Ok well if they can't play I'm leaving" he said turning away. He really wasn't a man of words. I grabbed him by the arm to stop him. He turned around wide eyed and said. "Look ushijima has dibs I can't mess with you. Even if you are cute" he said. I gasped. And my heart pounded like a avalanche.

"I just wanted to let you know your shoes are untied. And not to trip on your laces". His face lit up in embarrassment. "Thanks" he said pulling his arm out of my hand. He tied his shoes and jogged away before I could even start to understand what had just happened. Did kageyama just call me cute? And now there was no discussion about it. Ushijima did tell his team he called dibs on me.

This was the worst. No best. No worst. NO BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. I had to tell Janae everything.
Sitting outside on the steps to the gym I went through every harsh detail about what had happened all the way from second period. "I know" I said. "And then kageyama said look even if" "kageyama said what?" I was interrupted. It was satori. "Janae I'll call you back later ok." I hung up. "Ooh what did kageyama say"? Satori asked again. "It's nothing" I replied. " you better not catch feeling for kagedickhead or else ushiasshole is gonna lose his shit"

what's with the nicknames I thought? Does everyone get one ? Satori sat down beside me. "When's your mom getting here" satori snapped back. "In about 20 minutes" I said wishing she was here already. "You spend this much time alone after school every single day?" He asked like a toddler waiting to get dessert. "Well yeah I have no where to go" I said.

And what he said next started something bigger than just me. "After school from now on you are gonna come to our gym and wait for your mom" he didn't wait for a response. He just said it and walked inside. This was where I was gonna spend part of my evenings now.

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