"Okay that makes sense. There is so much topic to talk about but so little time." He chuckled. "One more topic..." He looked at his paper. "Ah! Ally, you have someone special in your life now, a little someone, am I right?"

"Erm, yeah actually." I laughed slightly.

"Come on, you can give us little bit more than that."

"Her name is Sam, she's three and-"

Dinah cut me off. "And she's the love of my life."

"Of our life DJ, gawd." Mani exclaimed.

"I was going to ask how you guys took the news but I see you took it well." He laughed.

"Yeah, she's just perfect. She's sweet and shy, but once you get to know her she's the most precious thing ever." Lauren said.

"Don't forget adorable!" Camila said loudly.

"The funniest thing is though, she looks exactly like Ally! Like they could be twins, you know, if the age doesn't count." Dinah said.

"We're not that alike, guys. We're more different than you think." I said. "Our noses are different!"

"I can't see it." Dinah said.

Eric laughed. "Thank you guys for coming, really appreciate it and I think all of the fans do too."

"Thanks for having us." We said in unison and laughed.

"See, Demi, you got your wish." Lauren said.

"Don't forget to buy tickets to the Demi Lovato tour 'We're only us' starts January 2019. Hope to have you back soon girls!"



After going out to dinner and looking around, we were finally back at the hotel. We were all in Lauren's, Camila's and Normani's room relaxing.

"My feet are killing me! I forgot what it was like to walk on heels all day!" Dinah said and plopped on one of the beds.

"Better get used to it hun." I said and started walking out the door and to my room.

"Where are you going?" Demi asked.

"It should be Sam's bedtime. I'm just gonna check up on her." I said and walked out.

I dropped on the bed, lying on my side, and opened the skype on my laptop. I rang my mom and it was quickly answered.

"Mommy!" I saw my little girl on the other end in her pajamas in bed.

"Hey baby!" I smiled. "Is Nana there?"

"I'm right here Ally." My mom came into view.

"Hi mom. She's been good?"

"I been good mommy." Sam told me.

"She's been like a princess. I love you Ally but I'm going to let you talk. It's your bedtime too!" She poked Sam's nose and she giggled. She tucked her better in and kissed her forehead. Oh how I wish I could do that right now. "Good night, Sam. Sleep tight." And she walked out the door.

"What have you and Nana been up to baby girl?" I asked her.

"We went to the shop and, and, and we made cocoa and watch movies!" She said excitedly.

"Was it fun?" I laughed.

She nodded. "Mommy?"

"Yeah baby girl?"

"When you comin home?" she asked quietly.

"Tomorrow. I think before dinner."

"I miss you lots."

"I miss you lots too. And the girls, they miss you lots." I smiled at her.

"Really?" she yawned.

"You tired?" she nodded. "You want me to sing to you?" she nodded again and closed her eyes.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are." I ended with a whisper.

Sam was sleeping, breathing evenly and snores escaping now and then.

I took my hand that I was laying on and stroked her outline on the computer screen.

I don't care if that makes me sound like a freak, she's my baby, my little star.


"Hey, how long has Ally been in there?" Demi asked.

I looked at my phone. "Almost two hours. I'll check up on her." I quickly walked to our room and knocked on the door. "Ally?" no answer. I opened the door and saw Ally on her bed asleep with her computer in front of her. I quietly walked behind Ally so I could see what was on the screen.

It was a sleeping Sam, and Ally's finger were lightly touching the screen where she was.

I quickly took a picture from that angle before moving and snapping a picture where you're behind the computer.

I put a blanket over Ally and made my way back to the girls.

"What was she doing?" the girls asked.

I showed them the picture where you could see Ally sleeping.

"Was she really that tired? She could've slept in here." Mani said.

"Wait, that's not all." I said. I showed them the picture where you could see Sam and Ally's hand.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Demi said.

"That's so cute!" Camila said.

I quickly mashed the photos together and made a collage. I put it on Instagram.

DinahJane97I can't get over how cute they are! Fell asleep like this, flawless... and adorable.

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