New Beginnings of the New Moon

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 The satisfying sound of Runaan's metal-tipped arrows hitting the target was like music to him. Even though the Silvergrove was magically encased in a barrier that made it look like it was constantly nighttime, there was a friendly cold breeze dancing around the village. Maybe the sign of a cloudy day?

 As he was about to draw another arrow from his quiver, the familiar voices of Tiadrin and Lain drifted to his ear. It sounded like they were bickering. . . What about, he couldn't tell.

 A few seconds later, they were jogging into the practice arena, clearly excited.

 "Runaan!" Tiadrin exclaimed. "A new elf from Evergrove was welcomed to the village just three days ago!" Next to her, Lain grinned nodding.

"He's been training to be a craftsman, and old Faren is offering apprenticeships!" 

Runaan didn't see all the commotion. "And?" He asked, clearly not as thrilled as his friends were expecting. Tiadrin sighed, smacking her forehead. 

 Lain grinned. "And he's very cute!" 

 Runaan put down his bow, "That's why.  .  . Oh, never mind." For the longest time, Tiadrin and Lain had been trying to find him someone what they called, 'special'. Though Runaan was too absorbed in his training to ever think about it. He honestly wished they would just leave it. Most elves his age were running around, playing games. But he was training to be an assassin. He had been committed ever since age eight, or maybe even younger. Love in his eyes was a distraction.

 After two more hours of gruelling training, Runaan, Tiadrin, and Lain took a break to get lunch. Throughout the entire meal, Runaan's friends kept asking questions about his weapons. 

 "Are any of them broken?" Lain asked, only to be elbowed in the arm by Tiadrin. "What he's talking about, are they growing weak? Maybe wearing down?" 

 Runaan pinched the bridge of his nose. Do they think I'm that dumb? Swirling his moonberry juice, he shrugged. "Everything besides my training swords are in good shape."

 That was enough information. Tiadrin stood up abruptly, and grabbed his arm, hoisting him from the lounge. Lain followed suit, quickly stuffing the last piece of bread in his mouth. 

 "What are you doing?" Runaan asked, yanking his arm out of Tiadrin's death grip. 

"To introduce you to Ethari, of course!" She said incredulously. "Now get your swords!"

"That's a bit of trouble, just to meet someone." He said as they walked to his house.

"But this is no ordinary 'someone', Runaan!" Lain said, swallowing the chunk of food. 

Runaan groaned silently, knowing they wouldn't stop pestering him about this until he actually did it.

Upon arriving at his house, they found Loteva in a cross-legged pose, hitting a tackily painted target outside. "Hey!" She grinned, standing up. "You look like you're in a hurry." 

 Lain nodded. "You've met Ethari, right?" 

Loteva twirled her short braid. "Of course! He's a real sweetheart. People like him are the reason why all the Moonshadows in Silvergrove aren't all assassins." Loteva had a distaste for assassins even though she was training to be one, ever since Osonia, the assassin leaders, had told them the  had no sense of direction. 

 "We're convinced Runaan is the only Moonshadow elf not to have met him." Tiadrin said. 

 Loteva gasped exaggeratedly. "Really? Well, my friend," She hooked herr arm up with Runaan's, who was still being dragged to his door. "You need to come with us!" Loteva had known about Tiadrin and Lain's scheme to get him together with a nice girl or boy; and had even participated in one of their plans. 

By the Stars (Runaan x Ethari Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now