Chapter 28 - My Love

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I killed my mother with my own hands.

The words were echoing from the time he uttered it. She had no idea how to react at that moment, and was even about to run out for fresh air. It was on the last moment that she had realized it would create more damage. So she had done what she could think at that time. Hugged Abhay.

She was careful not to hurt him, physically and mentally. And she was more than glad when Siddharth interrupted them and made her leave the hospital for the night.

Now sitting in her room, back in her parents mansion, she realized she should've done a little more. Maybe said some comforting words.

But those unexpected words were like a bomb on her and she had lost her breath at that moment.

Even the brief explanation did nothing to help her system digest the information.

Now, she knew the reason Abhay was so silent suddenly. His fears were reasonable and she might've actually left him, if the time hadn't changed her.

This was what Siddharth prepared her for when he talked about Abhay sinister side. This was why he was hesitant to allow her near Abhay and this was the reason he didn't let her meet doctor.

But contrary to their fears, she wasn't going to leave Abhay after knowing everything. He did so much for her and she would be fool to let him go. It was his love and though it was scary to dangerous level, she wasn't going to leave him again.

Now, leaving him wasn't the option anymore. Her love wouldn't let her live without him and she would've never forgiven herself if she had left him after knowing his undying love and his dark past.

He needed her, he wasn't fine and his fears were worse. She had to be there with him, to bring him back to life and to help him out of his fears and insecurities.

She can be his cure.

He listened to her every word until faced with insecurities and fears. He would listen to her again if she would handle him the way, he should be handled.

The path he was treading on, was dangerous and she had to bring him out of that path to the right one.

And she will.

Determined, Piya walked out of her room, ready to be with Abhay, and ready for the new dawn.

"Piya," Sunanda called.

Piya stopped in hall and turned to her. Her family was waiting sitting at dining table.

"We are waiting for you," Sunanda called with love.

Reluctantly, Piya joined them for breakfast with a motive. Now, when she got access back to Abhay life, it was time to inform them of her decision.

Waiting for them to finish their breakfast, Piya ate her own with great impatience. Her gaze would always make way to the clock. She wanted to end this chapter and move on to the most important one.

"I may not return now," Piya said casually when her parents had finished their breakfast.

As expected, they froze and stared her as if she had grown horns.

"You're going back to that monster, di?" Raina asked in disbelief.

Piya sighed. Raina was really against Abhay. Even more than her parents. But it was time to focus on her parents rather than her sister.

Raina would understand, once her parents would.

"Mom, dad, you both know about Abhay. You saw him growing with me. You both know he isn't bad person, don't you?" Piya said turning to her parents and ignoring Raina.

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