35 ~ New Transformations

Start from the beginning

Pain sears through Silvers abdomen better than a branding iron, her mind conceding to the torment, unable to bring a thought to completion. Without meaning to her body curled into something fetal, something primeval and all the while the pain burns and radiates. The pain was increasing in waves, small lulls giving her false hope of an end. Each peak robs Silver of her ability to speak, sending her crashing to the bare wooden floor boards. It was as though her blood has become acid, intent of destroying her from the inside out. All she could do is writhe, the occasional whimper escaping to echo off the walls.

Within time, Silver finally transformed into a wolf, her body ached and she felt exhausted. She collapsed on the floor of the room. The stag approached Ivy and instantly recognised her, he chased her around the room before settling down next to the sleeping wolf. Remus got up from the corner he was laying in and joined the others with Peter on his back. Once Silver had awoken, they began engaging in play fighting and chasing each other around the room.

Unbeknown to the animals, a silent tabby cat was watching from the hallway of the shack. Chucking every so often at the children's antics. The excitement and joy however was short lived due to the appearance of a large black dog wandering into the room. The five animals spun around and instantly the others surrounded Silver, making a wall between her and the dog. Silver jumped back in shock while Remus emitted a low, harsh growl.

The tabby cat had now emerged into the room catching the attention of the other animals. She joined the others blocking off the dog from the weak wolf. The dog transformed into the familiar dark haired boy, staring at the group. Before anyone could do anything the two wolves dropped to the ground, letting out yelps of pain. Much quicker than before, they transformed back into Remus and Silver. James and Peter transformed also leaving just the fox and the tabby cat. 

The cat had turned out to be Professor Mcgonagall, she waved her wand over the fox and Ivy reappeared. Without saying a word, Mcgonagall disapperated out of the room and back into the castle. "I told you not to come here!" Remus growled, ensuring to keep Silver behind him. Sirius scoffed and rolled his eyes, still remaining silent. "Do you want me to rip your face off?" James said as he joined Remus, Sirius swallowed growing more and more nervous.

"I want to talk to Silver." He said, his voice croaky and broken. Remus and James both opened their mouths to argue back but Silver stopped them. Anger grew within her as she looked at the pathetic boy in front of her. Her rage held all the power of a wildfire, you could practically see the flames roaring in her eyes, ready to ignite anything that she came in contact with. Her vision blurred as a flame curled in the pit of her stomach. Her brain went on overdrive, her heart turned ice cold and slunk into the shadows as her brain took complete control. The flames in her stomach rose up to her chest and crawling through her veins, took over the rest of her body. The term anger, barely even touched the tip of the volcano that she so clearly was in that moment. Her fingers coiled into fists as she approached the boy, her body took ever and without warning her fist hurdled to the boys face locking contact with his eye. 

But it didn't stop there, she sent repeated punched varying from his stomach, chest and face. With each punch a broken, fury filled scream came from her mouth, "You could have killed him! You could have killed me!". Tears of pure rage rolled down her cheeks as she began to run out of breath. Remus and James had to pull her away from the bloodied boy, she kicked and screamed trying to be released from their grasp. "Sirius, just get out!" Ivy screamed and she began trying to calm Silver down, helping her take deep breaths and wiping the blood from her knuckles. 

The boy stumbled out of the shack, clearly injured by the girls forceful punches. Peter followed after to ensure he left the shack completely. "I must admit, you've got a good punch on you." James chuckled as he and Remus helped her out of the hole beneath the Whomping Willow. Silver giggled and jumped over a tree root with Ivy following behind her. "I think he lost more blood there, than you did when the curse hit you." She giggled as she grabbed onto Silver to steady herself. 

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