Cнα⅊тɛʀ 11 (edited)

Start from the beginning

'Maybe, he'd done it on purpose', I tried before scowling at the sunlight and turning away from it, still in my bed, 'He made me out to be a fool, well done Nora! Round of applause for me!' I sarcastically insulted myself until I heaved up from the bed and picked up my phone. Turning it on I was bombarded by the multitude of notifications from missed calls and infuriating messages. All of them were hastily ignored as the need to consult someone overrode my need to read the messages. I needed a second opinion; from a person I could trust and a person that would give me advice. I called Jane. It took a few rings before she picked up, but when she did her voice seemed off. 'Could have been sleeping', I theorised.

"Hello from the other side!" Jane sang off-key in an Adele impression.

"Ha Ha Ha, very funny", I sarcastically replied, rolling my eyes with a small smile revealing itself already. 'This was the power of my best friend, with just one sentence she could brighten my life', I mused.

"Oh, guess what? Tomorrow I'll be going to watch Landon's first ever official game!" Jane excitedly informed me, a small silence stretching as I could hear the subtle thudding her feet made as I assumed she was bouncing around her room in a giddy manner.

"That's great Jane. Tell him I said, 'Good luck', okay?" I asked her.

"Will do, so why'd you call me so early in the morning?" Jane questioned suspiciously and I shifted in my bed, the sudden desire to end the call rising as a small blush graced my cheeks.

"Okay, well, I have something to talk about but please don't judge me", I begged her desperately.

"Huh, it depends on what you end up sharing", she dealt and waited for my response.

"Um... Elijah Cooper kissed me yesterday when we were at the party and I think he was just playing with me", I rapidly fired at her before catching deep gulps of air, my nerves threatening to spill.

"Wait, what?" Jane fuddled, finding a difficulty to understand my words before she hissed in a sharp breath and commented, "Oh, wow. You got lucky last night then. Such a dream, Elijah's so fucking hot. I wish I could get him."

"Jane! This is serious, Elijah's arrogant and he's always irritated with the world. He hates me too, so why on earth would he kiss me?" I asked her, hoping that the one time I needed my best friend's rational thinking and realistic answers, she would actually give it to me.

"Maybe he genuinely likes you and that's why he kissed you", she drawled before adding, "Or maybe he's just a playboy and thought you were his toy."

I gasped at her crudeness before shaking it off. 'I'd asked for honesty, and honesty was what I got', I countered. Deciding I'd had enough of my bed, I stepped out and walked to my desk, swivelling into my office chair, and facing the papers scattered there as I fiddled with them absentmindedly.

"You know, the second options probably true. He could never find me attractive. I'm so embarrassed!" I whined as the phone clattered to the desk and my hands clasped in front of my face hiding the cringe I'd acquired as the flashbacks came rolling back again.

"Oh, shut up Nora. You're stunning but too stupid to admit it. This is Elijah we're talking about remember?" Jane asked and I cocked my head at that before sighing and straightening my back, "Elijah's rich, rich people are massive players; therefore, you should just ignore him."

I gave a dirty look to the wall as I wondered how in hell, I could possibly do that before speaking my thoughts out, "Er, Jane? I'm his assistant, how can I possibly ignore him?"

"Let's see, you could try acting like you're paying attention to him when in reality anything he says or tells you to do, you just do the opposite. It might teach him a lesson", Jane theorised before I shook my head in disapproval.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now