Meeting the parents/Reddie

Start from the beginning

When Eddie had finally been able to go out again after being on house arrest for two weeks, for learning how to be a big boy for crying out loud, Maggie had pulled him into the kitchen, promising Eddie that he wasn't as delicate as his mother pretended he was.

He had been terrified that he wouldn't be welcome in the Tozier home after the performance his mother had given, but luckily neither Maggie nor Wentworth ever mentioned it again, going on with business as usual. Everyone forget about the incident expect Richie, who took amply opportunities to tease Eddie for the way his mother had behaved. All in good fun of course, Richie could never hurt Eddie intentionally, he just found it funny.

So yeah, Eddie was pretty sure that the Toziers liked him when he was growing up, but things were different now. He wasn't a helpless kid who needed protection from his mom anymore, and he changed, a lot, even though Richie always insisted that most of him stayed the same.

Not to mention, this was the first time Eddie would go over to their house as their son - in – law. Richie and him had gotten married the day Eddie's divorce finalized, without any preparation whatsoever. It had been a spur of the moment decision, but one Eddie had yet to feel any regret over.

Except maybe for the fact that Richie was wearing one of his Hawaiian shirts, but if Eddie was being truly honest, it was so Richie he couldn't help but feel endeared when he looked at the picture taken with utter precision.

Beverly was taking pictures that day, while Mike looked over her shoulder every move, trying to give advice on which angles she should shoot, only to annoy Bev to the point her hand started shaking and the photo's appeared shaky. Eddie liked those the best. Every time Eddie recalled the wedding day, a huge smile he couldn't hide, or even bother to hide, took over his face.

Eddie's first wedding with Myra had taken months to prepare, and even then most everything went wrong. The bands lead singer they had hired was sick, several of their guests cancelled, and the food was either too cold or burned. The entire day Eddie was sick with indecision, not even sure he was going to say yes until right before the vows.

His second wedding, the one where he actually wanted to get married, he had no anxiety or apprehension whatsoever. The only thing strumming through Eddie's veins was eagerness to commit to the man who helped him be brave, to the man who he loved even when he hadn't remembered him.

Because it had been such a spur decision, the only people that had been there for the actual wedding and the reception afterwards, were the losers. Richie hadn't even thought of inviting his parents, simply for they lived too far away to make it in time. Besides, Richie had argued later, he wasn't thinking of anything except Eddie anyway.

Maggie and Wentworth didn't even know the two of them were engaged, although to be fair, they hadn't been. Eddie wonders if they feel upset that they didn't get to watch their only child marry someone, but Richie assured him that when he did get in contact with them and told them, they had been nothing short of thrilled. Still, Eddie wasn't sure that that wasn't a façade they put up to spare Richie's feelings.

Though Eddie is highly strung with nerves; snapping at every little annoying thing Richie did, which he no doubt would feel terribly ashamed off after thing inevitably turn out alright, the lime green colour of the front door also gives him a feeling of internal peace, because more than his own house, this house felt like coming home.

It's a warm day, humid in a way that causes Richie's hair to curl up even more, the efforts of Eddie to rearrange it neatly clearly being futile. Eddie tries again, regardless, but just as he predicted the hair flops back up as soon as he takes his hand away.

Richie laughs, and it fills Eddie's body with something he can't describe, maybe doesn't want to think about too much, but it feels good, it feels enchanting, as if he just can't get enough of things that remind him of Richie.

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