Dating Mike Wheeler would include...

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- you definately go to Nancy for all your problems

- because i mean, she's now like your big sister

- he once tried to teach you how to pay d&d with will and Dustin because Lucas was off somewhere with max and El was at hoppers eating eggos

- but it didn't end well because you somehow ended up befriending the demogorgan and talked it not leaving everyone alone in the first ten minutes

- that was the shortest d&d game they ever played

- and the first time you played with all of them, max and Lucas included while teaching el, you ended up rolling a 5 and shooting a fireball at yourself resulting in you becoming immortal and killing the demogorgan in about an hour

- you are now the queen of d&d and all the boys worship you

- and you have an atari so whenever the boys go to your house to hang out, you play games while eating pizza

- mike doesn't really like PDA, but he does do hugs and hand holding a lot

- troy knows not to mess with you, because you once broke his nose with a wicked right hook and now him and his little flying monkeys always think twice about making fun of you or any of the boys when you're around

- and Jonathan teaches you photography because Nancy talked him into it

- and you once kicked Steve in the balls when he told you not to eat any more pizza or you'd get fat

- so now you're the queen, and mike is your king because i mean obviously

- and you cuddle a lot, and always talk on your personal line because you have one and he loves that

-- being best friends with Will

- helping him and the boys with their science fair projects

- having sleepovers with him and the boys in the basement

- riding in the backseat of his bike

- he doesn't want you to get your own bike because he likes that you have to wrap your arms around him

- the boys teasing him when he's on the phone with you, making kissing noises

- always saving you a seat next to him in

A/N i am going to do the stranger things characters now.If you want me to do another Finn Wolfhard one please comment.

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