Dating Jonathan Byers would include...

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At first he was super shy
He wouldn't stop blushing and stuttering
He does later on too, but not nearly as much
It took you forever to start dating anyway
It all started with a kiss and after that things were a bit awkward
But eventually you got together once and for all
After all, you had been kind of flirting for a while
But Jonathan got flustered and too shy to even hold your hand at first
With time he felt more comfortable and brave to show small displays of affection
On public it's very subtle, like holding hands or a kiss in the cheek
Maybe an arm on your shoulders or something
In private there's a lot of cuddling and pecking
You always greet with hugs, though, whether in private or in public
You also make out kinda often
But only if you're sure no one can catch you
He prepares lots of mix tapes for you with songs he loves

"These songs remind me of you"

Each one has a song that reminds you of the other
You actually listen to music together too
Often lying down on his bed and being lazy
And are always showing the other new songs
Your taste in music is pretty similar, which is great
You once gave him a The Clash T-Shirt and he absolutely loved it
Even though you steal it from him from time to time and wear it
Because truth is you like it as much as he does
Photos, lots and lots of photos

Jonathan prefers to take them when you're not looking
Those are the best, in which he can see the true you
You do pose for photos sometimes, too
And ask him to take some pictures with you as well
You love watching his artistic shots even if they're only about nature
You hang out at his place a lot
Joyce absolutely loves you, she's always offering you to stay for dinner
Sometimes you even crash there for the night
If you can't sleep he will talk to you
You don't even talk, he does, because he knows his voice calms you
Jonathan would cook breakfast for you
Will likes you too because you're so nice to him
And he thinks you're cool because you're interested in D&D
Or at least you are for the kid's sake
Jonathan obviously adores how sweet you are to his little brother
Babysitting Will with Jonathan

And taking him out together, you don't mind at all
Jonathan is super respectful towards you

He always ask for consent or backs up if you ask him to
Basically, he's a sweetheart
Without even having to say anything, he automatically will put his jacket over you if he notices you're cold
He always either walks you or drives you home
Jonathan is pretty protective of you and will defend you if anyone messes with you
Just like you defend him if anything happens
You haven't seen him so angry as when someone messes with you
Only when they say something bad about his family
Field trips with him in his car, even if it's just to the mall
Sometimes you do make small getaways together, though
There's not a whole lot of nicknamesIf anything, you call him 'Jon' or 'Jonny'
If you ever call him something like 'sweetie' or 'babe' he will get so flustered and start stammering
He mostly calls you just Y/N or a cute abbreviation of your name
You got him to open up because he used to bottle up things
And even though he's kinda reserved still, he tells you most things
You're basically always there for each other

To vent, to hang out, for support or just when you need company

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