Ahoy, Ladies! (Steve Harrington x Reader)

512 16 0

Word Count: 1,360

Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader

Summary: After being gone for 6 weeks to visit some family, your mom drags you to the new Starcourt Mall where your friend and crush Steve is at his new job.

Warning: Fluff and making fun of Steve, also small SEASON 3 SPOILERS From Tumblr

"You excited to be back home?"

You look up from your issue of "Green Arrow" to see your mom looking at you from the corner of her eye. You had been away for 6 weeks visiting family in Nevada, suffering in the heat and being nowhere near the bright lights of Las Vegas. It was completely awful but your parents had forced you to leave behind your friends to shrivel up in the intense Nevada sun.

But now your back, right before the fourth of July and you are so excited to be back home in Hawkins, Indiana. You've missed the small town.

"Yeah, I am." You say with a smile.

"I'm glad. Before we go home I need to make a stop at Starcourt."

"The new mall?"

"Yeah, your grandpa was asking about new shoes and has been busy so I'm gonna run around and look for a pair for him. Why don't you check the mall out? You missed the opening while you were in Nevada visiting Uncle Hector and Aunt Suzie." Your mom explained.

You let out a sigh and look back down at your comic book, "Okay."

Your mom pulled into the mall parking lot, it was already packed with cars and families all happy excited for the new mall. You and your mom piled out of the car and walked into the mall. Your mom said she might be a while so you both planned to meet in the opening in an hour.

Looking around at the full mall, all the people and loud talking was starting to give you a headache so you decided to just anchor down somewhere until the hour was up. With a throb in your head, you looked around before your eyes landed on a sign for Scoops Ahoy. Ice cream probably won't help the situation but you could sit there and read your comics for a while until your mom was done.

You walked into the shop, lots of kids and teens eating ice cream and drinking milkshakes were sitting around. Behind the counter was a tall brunette with his back turned as he talked to a girl holding a whiteboard with some scoring on it. Even with his back turned, you'd recognize that big mop of hair anywhere as your best friend Steve Harrington, your best friend and crush. You grow a sneaky smile on your face as you walk to the counter and ring the bell.

"Customer, Popeye." The girl said, pointing to you. You could hear Steve sigh and tug on a ridiculous sailor's cap on before turning around. His eyes were closed as he walked up to the register.

"Ahoy, welcome to Scoops Ahoy. I'll be your captain on this adventure to flavor. Care to try our new Red Cherry Sea flavor?" Steve only then opened his eyes to see you standing on the other side of the counter. His eyes widened on you, seeming like he can't believe you standing in front of him. It makes you giggle as you eye his new look as well.

"Nice uniform, Ishmael. Find your white whale yet?" you ask, smiling wide at your own joke. Steve was still frozen as you stood there laughing at him, his mind not knowing what to do. You had left weeks ago to visit family out of state and he had missed you like crazy. Now here you were, standing in front of him with a great tan and a huge smile that was too busy making his heart race.

"Y/N?" Steve asked, still not sure you were even there.

You raised your hands in a "jazz hands" gesture, "Ta-da!"

"You're back!" Steve smiled and came around the counter and pulled you into a huge hug, his arms tight around your body. You hugged back just as hard, your face warm with the affection. "When did you get back?"

"Today, my mom needed to stop here quickly so I'm just waiting around for her." You explain. You two pull apart, Steve's hands moving to your waist and yours to his shoulders.

"I am so glad your back. You have no idea how much it sucked with you being gone. Plus Dustin has been at science camp too so I have been stuck with the other kids."

"Aw," You pinch his cheek, "Poor you."

"Are you two done?" Both you and Steve turn to the girl in the window, a bored look on her face. "This display of affection is more sickening sweet than the ice cream."

Steve rolled his eyes and points to the girl, "Y/N, this is Robin."

"Hey." You say, waving at her. She nods and closes the window pane, leaving you and Steve to yourselves. "Well then."

"Don't worry about her. How was Nevada? Sick tan, by the way."

"Thanks, and it was hot and dry. No fun whatsoever." You explain, leaning against the counter as Steve moves back around.

"Bet it was better than scooping ice cream 5 days a week." He says, also leaning on the counter. Your faces are only a few inches apart.

"You might be right. Especially if I had to wear that get-up." You said with a smile. Besides him being made fun of, Steve smiles back; just glad to have you back. "So, you and Robin?"


"Anything you should tell me?"

Steve gets a disgusting look on his face and shakes his head, "Me and Robin? Gross, she hates me and says I suck all the time."

"Well..." You started, smiling when you saw the shocked look on his face. "I'm kidding."

"There is no me and Robin. Why? You jealous or something?"

Your face heats up, flushed with being found out despite your joking around. "What? N-no."

"You totally were!" Steve yells, pointing at you and starting to laugh.

"Stop it!" You yell, trying to reach over and slap his arm as he kept laughing. People were starting to look at you two and your face was getting more and more red. Finally, Steve calms down enough to start talking again.

"You don't need to worry. No one could steal me from you."

You freeze as you stare at Steve. What did he just say? As you're questioning what you heard, Steve freezes wide-eyed at what he had just said.

"Th-That came out wrong. It's not like-like you have me. What? No, that's not what I meant. No one has been stolen. Oh god." Steve puts his head in his hands, defeated by his own words. Seeing him like that finally pulls you back to the moment.

"Steve," He looks up and a look of regret comes over his face, "What did you mean that 'No one could steal you from me'?" you ask.

"I-" Steve takes a breath, Now or never, "I was just saying that no one could, no one could take me away from you. I'm in too deep for someone to do that."

You stand there, heart beating and palms sweating, not knowing what to do about this. Steve Harrington had just confessed, to you! You never thought that this could happen, putting very little stock in him looking your way like that.

"Hello? Y/N?" Steve asked, waving a hand in front of your face. You slowly blinked as Steve sighed and looked down to the counter. "Dammit, I ruined everything. Can we just forget that thi-"

Before he could finish, you pulled on his uniform ribbon to make him lurch forward and pressed your lips to his. With your eyes closed, you didn't get the chance to see Steve's wide eyes, but he slowly closes his eyes and grabs your face, pulling you closer. You pull back once you were out of breath, both you and Steve breathing heavy as you looked at each other.

"Wow." Steve says, his eyes not moving from you.


"That wasn't on the menu."

You laugh as Steve smiles. "No, but I hope you wouldn't mind giving me another helping?"

"With pleasure." Steve takes initiative and grabs your face this time, pulling you into another kiss. Man, you were glad your mom had to come to the mall.

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