Heat // Jack Grazer Imagine

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It was the middle of summer and your boyfriend Jack decided to be adventurous and take you out on a hiking date. You weren't feeling to good and you felt like you wanted to vomit. You weren't sure if it was from the heat, the lack of water, or just all the walking you were doing.

Jack leans his head back swallowing the last of the water from his bottle,

"Were almost back...I think" he says walking a few steps ahead of you. You stop to catch your breath as you feel sick to your stomach,

"You okay?" he asks seeing you stop.

"Uhh yea, just got something stuck on my shoe" you continue forward. You could tell Jack, but he was so excited about this hike you didn't want to bother him. He felt so good about himself for finding this place and setting up this date, you didn't want to ruin his spirit.

You started to walk up the hill and the hot sun beat down on you. It felt like you were in a microwave and you started to loose your mind. You had been sweating like crazy but all of the sudden the sweat stopped. You weren't sweating anymore, and now you were getting dizzy. You started to have trouble breathing,

"Jack" you called out to him. He turns around,

"Yeah baby...are you oka-" you feel a cramp in your leg



You wake up hearing the sound of beeps. You look around seeing yourself in a hospital bed. You look down and see Jack asleep on your right leg. He had pulled a chair up next to your hospital bed and fell asleep on you, holding your hand,

"Jack..baby.." you say gently shaking him awake. He jolts awake squeezing your hands. He looks you in the eyes and he looks like a complete mess. He has dark bags underneath his eyes and his hair is sticking up a hundred different ways,

"Oh my gosh baby you're awake" he says pulling you into his chest and hugging your head.

"What happened?" you asked

"You had a heat stroke. They said you were incredibly dehydrated why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know...I just thought figured it wasn't a big deal and I didn't want to bother you"

"Didn't want to bother me? Y/N why would you thi-"

"How long have you been here?" You ask him looking over his shoulder at a pillow and blankets messily thrown next to his phone charger

"..a while. My parents kept trying to get me home but..I couldn't leave you here. Especially because it was my fault"

"This wasn't your fault, this was mine"

"I should've taken better care of you..I'm so sorry Y/N"

"Don't be sorry. I love you Jack"

"Let's never exercise again?"


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