Dating Will Byers would include...

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- Let's be honest, it would take Will forever to find the guts to ask you out.

- He'd fear rejection so he'd keep holding it off - even if you made it as clear as day that you liked him.

- It would take all of the squad to convince him to ask you out.Of course he'd fight them on it.

-So the boys and Max (and Eleven) would have to take it into their own hands.

-If neither of you would ask each other out on your own, then they'd make it happen. It would be a pretty messy plan, honestly.

-Something about throwing you two in the same room and locking you in until you admit your feelings.

- But it'd work, and when the door finally opened, the whole squad would have bright smiles on their faces as you two walked out hand in hand.

- Joyce loving you.

- Jonathan loving you.

- Always coming over for dinner.

- No matter how long you two have been dating, Will would still be a sputtering mess around you.

- Drawing you things you love, whatever it may be, for random little gifts.

- You keeping every single one he draws you.

- Sometimes it'd be of the two of you and sometimes it'd be something that you loved more than anything.

- Your parents loving him.

-The squad practically dying every time you two do something cute together.

- Them being your number one supporters.

- Loving to hold his hand, even in public when he'd get all shy and flustered.

- Hugs all the time.

- Not kissing until like a year or two into your relationship.

- Because you want to take it slow.

- But also because you two are young and the both of you aren't completely comfortable with it yet.

- You helping him with bullies at school.Getting mad at anyone who tries to be mean to him.

- Literally just listening to each other talk, twenty-four-seven.

-  Will loving the way your eyes light up when you see him.

- Or, no matter who's around, you abandon everything to see him.

- You too are of course couple goals

-everyone dies of cuteness when your together 

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