Dating Dustin Henderson would include...

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-The little fluff ball would have been so nervous asking you out

-"Y-Y/N, would you like to, ummm, hang out together soon? Like- as in, just us? And pizza?"

-Of course, you reply with a yessss, along with a beet red face and wide smile.

-Going over to someone's house and eating a l l t h e p i z z a together

-Eating a bunch of snacks together because snacks™️ are the best

-When you go to Mike's basement to hang out there's so much teasing because the two of you were just best friends before

-But now you're not

-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

-You're d a t i n g

-Lots of teasing at school as well, especially from the bullies; Troy and James. Eleven is always there to help you out, as well as your friend group when Troy and James go too far

-Although you're a tad young to actually have really nice full on dates, you sometimes watch movies with him and hang out a bit afterward

-Cute little quarrels about the best parts of the movie, both of you agreeing on never talking about the main characters or how good the plot was

-You still argue a bit anyways

-It's always resolved, resulting in cuddles and more pizza together

-When you and the whole group go out, you and Dustin insist on sharing one pizza

-Needing to buy one more because sharing pizza is difficult

-Not holding hands yet but sometime linking arms or even pinkies, because that's cute aF

-all the boys tease you two.

-it's worth it because Dustin is adorable when he blushes!

-bike rides with just you two is your favorite activity.

-he nearly faints asking you to go to the dance with him even though it was kind of a given you'd say yes.

-then when he saw you in the dress for the dance he really faints.

-no matter what mess you guys were in Dustin's smile when he looked at you made it all worth it.

-Being the cutest little couple ever

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