Chapter 7

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Illumi and Machi were allowed to watch the class since they were exchange students. Normally, his teacher pulls blinds over the door windows so no one can even watch from outside. He had no idea why the teacher loved doing that. The class was running through stretches, Hisoka could see Illumi watching him in the mirror and he smiles a little to himself.

He still wore the outfit Illumi had picked out, it fit for class anyway. This particular dance class was for ballet, not his favourite dance style, but he excelled in it like any other dance. He ran through the class like any other, towards the end, they worked on the dance they were doing for a showcase. The girl he was partnered with was a good dancer, but anyone could tell they didn't mesh.

"Don't drop me," Pakunoda says through her teeth, only quiet enough for him to hear as they danced in sync with the rest of the class. She specified in ballet, of course. So naturally, she wanted to be the best in this showcase. Pakunoda was already the best in the class... Besides Hisoka maybe.

Hisoka gave a devious smirk in response, lifting her by the waist easily and even though he wants to, he doesn't drop her. Their dance is flawless to the untrained eye but...

"The hell was that?" Their professor says directly at them, arms crossed.

"The dance," Hisoka responds cooly.

"Horribly done; Hisoka what was with the lifts and every time I saw you in fifth position I wanted to cry. Pakunoda what was your arabesque, please do tell me?"

"Can we please have a new partner?" Hisoka and Pakunoda ask in unison. Hisoka needed someone who would follow him and she needed someone who would listen to her. They just... Didn't go together.

"No," their professor hissed. "You have to learn to work with people that you don't get along with. I suggest extra practice for both of you."

The two glance at each other. "What if we perform it perfectly, for you, right now. Then can we switch?"

"Hisoka you're a great dancer but-"

"We can do it." Pakunoda interrupts, picking up on Hisoka's tone. Neither wanted to dance with each other and if one perfect dance was all it took...

"Fine. Enlighten me."

The class takes their seats at the mirror, all eager to watch easily the best two dancers in the class try and one up the professor.

"I don't know what you have planned Hisoka... But whatever it is, this better be the best performance you've ever done," Pakunoda warns before they part and the music starts.

Hisoka takes a deep breath, allowing himself to calm down and feel the music. Just for one dance... Do what she says, let her shine. Do everything your body tells itself to do because he knows he was holding back before, simply because he didn't enjoy dancing with her. They move seamlessly, perfectly... So perfect that when the music ends, there are tears in the eyes of the viewers. Hisoka proudly bows, the surprise is clearly written on Pakunoda's face.

"I shouldn't have underestimated you," the professor dabs at an eye. "You two may pick your own partners."

After class ends, Pakunoda walks over to him. "Why don't you always dance like that?"

"Because I didn't like dancing with you," he throws his towel into his bag before slinging it over his shoulder, catching the sighs of some of the other girls in their little gossip circle.

She snorts. "You're... really an amazing dancer Hisoka, but I hope I never have to dance with you again either."

Hisoka walks over to Illumi and Machi. "She stood out... Like she was supposed to in that dance... But the amazing dancer wasn't her, it was you." Illumi says simply before leading them out of the classroom.

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