Chapter 9

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Hisoka waits patiently despite everything else in his body bursting with anticipation. He was about to perform and he was more than just excited. Dressed in Illumi's costume, poised perfectly even though he wasn't even on stage, in the spotlight yet. Just waiting to walk out, to feel the gazes on him, to feel the rhythm in his heart, and the dance coming from his soul.

He was performing for a very wealthy family tonight... indirectly. They were putting on a party of sorts, a party big enough that his performance was broadcasted on live television tonight. They were big influencers in the city which meant this performance, having a connection with them, was very good for his reputation.

Over the loudspeaker, his name is said and he gracefully walks out. Applause hits him, making him feel on top of the world. He couldn't really see anyone, lights burning so bright into him to make him shine, a sensation he was used to. He didn't need to see them to know their eyes were on him.

On comes the music.

His dance captivates, as it always does. The tune completely taking over his body, feeling every little note in the song. Then the aerial hoop drops and he smirks toward the crowd. He grabs it with one hand and begins to spin, spinning the hoop in a performance always added something else. Another sense of danger. The hoop lifts him in the air and he continues, pulling beautiful tricks, mixing all his skills as he performs. Oh, how he loved getting lost in the music, as he was now. Lost in its rhythm...

He drops off the hoop as the song comes to an end and bows as the crowd is silent for a few moments, waiting, to make sure it's really over. He tended to have that effect...

The applause roars and he makes his way out. He sits in a private room, drinking from his water when his entourage decides to barge in.

"HISOKA THAT WAS SO AMAZING!" Gon cries out, his eyes shining as he engulfs Hisoka in a hug. Hisoka pours a little water on the boy to get him off.

"It was peaceful," Hisoka says as Gon glares at him. Hisoka turns back around, practically ignoring everyone who had come in, knowing Illumi had come in too. He felt so alone despite being surrounded and he had no idea why. The high of his performance had left and he just wanted to curl up in bed.

"Hisoka... you okay?" Gon says slowly, walking over.

"Yeah, fine, sorry," he puts on a fake smile. Gon, however, sees right through him. Of course, he does, the kid can be real sharp despite being stupid.

"Hey we'll wait out in the party, you have to change anyways," Gon smiles and ushers everyone out. Hisoka plops in a chair and looks to wear his clothes for the party are hanging. Sometimes, Gon really did save his ass. With the people all gone, he felt more relaxed. He locks the door before gently peeling off Illumi's beautiful costume. He changes into the dress pants and button-down Illumi had forced him to wear and calms himself down. He looks at himself in the mirror, hair styled up, makeup still on. He looks fine. Yet he felt insecure. Why though? It just doesn't make sense... Hisoka walks out and makes his way into the fancy party. The camera from the TV station broadcasting them finds him all too quickly.

"Do you mind a couple of questions? It'll be real fast," the beautiful hostess asks him.

Of course, he obliges, he couldn't pass up this opportunity. They wait a few minutes before it comes back to them and the hostess smiles, introducing Hisoka to those sitting at home watching.

"First of all, we must ask, who were you wearing and who did your makeup?" She says excitedly.

"I was my own stylist for hair and makeup," he smiles softly towards the camera. "However, my beautiful costume was made by aspiring fashion designer Illumi Zoldyck."

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