Chapter 6

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Hands trail through Illumi's black hair, it's so silky, smooth... Lips pressed against each other, heatedly kissing, wanting more. Hisoka pulls away to look at the man, Illumi's hands moving down his chest, lower... and lower...

Hisoka's eyes flash open and he pants, running a hand through his hair. A dream... It was only a dream. Oh my gosh, now he's dreaming of him!

Illumi's face is so clear in his mind... Illumi's body... Argh! Hisoka walks into his bathroom, forcing himself into a cold shower to clear his head. Damn it, he's already hooked on Illumi more than any liquor. Hisoka groans, water running off him as he steps out of the shower. He wraps his towel around his waist and walks out to make breakfast.

"Hisoka!" Gon whines. "We have guests." The boy says when he meets him, both walking out of their rooms.

"It's my house," Hisoka responds, walking through the living room and into the kitchen, not even looking to see who was visiting.

"Are you always so grumpy in the mornings?" Chimes Machi's familiar voice.

Hisoka rolls his eyes as he begins making pancakes.

"Whatcha making for us?" Killua asks as he walks into the kitchen, trailing Gon, Machi, and Illumi behind him.

"Pancakes, which your lazy asses could make for yourselves," Hisoka responds, glancing up at them. Seeing Illumi, however, causes him to take a second look. He's in a towel for crying out loud... His own fault though...

"Come on," Gon smiles. "You always make me breakfast."

"You, not him." Hisoka gives Killua a dirty look and he shrugs. "Am I making for you two?"

"Please. Let me try the amazing cooking Killua speaks of." Machi plops onto a stool at the island.

"You talk about me?" Hisoka raises an eyebrow, looking over Killua who has an arm wrapped around Gon's waist.

"I mean, yeah, you're kinda Gon's brother." Killua shrugs. "Plus your food is top tier."

Hisoka pours the mixture into the pan and uses it as a moment to go change, pulling on the first pair of boxers and pants he can find; which are of course, joggers. As a dancer, he has quite a collection of those. He walks back into the kitchen to flip the pancake.

Not once had Illumi spoken to him, nor had he really acknowledged Illumi. The tense feeling between them continuing it seems. Hisoka looks over to where Illumi sits beside Machi, Illumi is staring at Hisoka making him feel rather small. He had no makeup on, his hair still wet, and when Illumi came in, he was only in a towel... Not to mention the shower had been from a dream about Illumi... Hisoka felt much more self-conscious.

"You done with that pancake...?" Gon prys and Hisoka gives him a look, flipping the single pancake on the plate.

"Guests first," Hisoka slaps Gon's reaching hand.

Once the plate is full of pancakes, he serves Machi and Illumi first, then offers the two hungry teens their plates who gobble them up in what seems like seconds and are asking Hisoka for more. Hesitantly he pushes the rest of the made pancakes towards them which they walk off to the living room with.

"What about yourself?" Illumi speaks up.

"Huh?" Hisoka looks over.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Oh... Um, yeah, I'll get something in a sec, how's it taste?"

"Amazing!" Machi hums. "You really are a good cook! And we get a lot of really good cooks," she smiles, shoving more pancake into her mouth.

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