Chapter Thirty

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This story is coming to a close. This is actually the last chapter :o No, there will not be a sequel. Sorry :)

I sprayed my curls on last time before standing up from my makeup table and walked over to my full length mirror. I straightened out my blue and white Christmas sweater before inspecting my whole outfit. Nodding in approval, I turned and walked out of my room, jogging down the stairs. I smiled at aunt May, "Need any help?"

"No, thank you sweetie. You go in there with Peter and watch some movies or something." she smiled at me.

I nodded and turned towards the living room, seeing Peter laying on the couch. I quickly walked in there, instantly sitting on his stomach. He groaned quietly, "You're heavier than you look."

"But not heavy enough to move, right?" I smirked, raising an eyebrow down at him.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me down so I was laying on him, "I like this better." he mumbled, kissing my cheek gently.

I smiled and hid my face in his chest, "You smell good."

"So do you." he chuckled, rubbing my back gently, "Like vanilla."

"You told me it's your favorite." I smiled sheepishly, looking up at him.

He smiled brightly and kissed my nose softly, "You're so cute."

"That's you, Parker." I giggled, kissing him gently, "I love you."

"I love you too." he smiled, staring straight into my eyes.

I kissed him again before laying my head on his chest once more, "I hope you like my present."

"I hope you like yours too." he muttered, clearing his throat slightly, "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah, how about Elf?" I asked, reaching over and picking up the remote.

"Sounds good to me." he nodded, tightening his arms around my waist.

"That was delicious." I told aunt May as we sat down in the living room.

"Thank you, dear." she smiled at me, "Ready to exchange gifts? Peter, go ahead and hand them out." she stated, motioning towards the tree.

He nodded and stood up again, quickly passing out the presents. Aunt May had four while Peter and I had three, "You didn't have to get me anything." I told May quickly.

"Oh, hush. I wish I could have gotten both of you more. I just didn't know what to get." she frowned slightly, "Go ahead and open them."

"You go first." Peter quickly said, looking over at her.

She gave him a knowing look, which confused me, before picking up one of her presents, "From Peter." she smiled before opening it to reveal a new coffee mug, stating that she was the worlds best aunt, "Cheesy, but I like it any." she chuckled, setting it aside before picking up another one, "Another from Peter." she nodded, "If it's a sweater that says the same thing, I hope you know I won't be wearing it." she stated, looking over at him.

He held his hands up, "I think you'll like this one."

She nodded in reply before opening it, revealing a picture of her and Ben a few years ago, framed in a black frame. Aunt May smiled brightly, "Oh, Peter.."

"I found it in your room one day and thought I would get it framed." he shrugged slightly.

"I love it." she sighed, setting it on the table. She lifted up a bag, "From.. Allison." she stated before pulling out the cookbook I got her, "I needed a new one." she smiled.

"I'm glad you like it." I smiled back.

"The last one is from both of us." Peter told her.

As she picked it up, I leaned against Peter, a small smile on my face. She unwrapped the large present, revealing pictures of her, Ben, Peter, and I when we were all younger. She smiled again, tears filling her eyes, "This is the best present I've ever received." she stated, looking up at both of us, "Thank you two so much. Peter, why don't you go on ahead."

After Peter opened his new watch from me, new shoes and jacket from aunt May, it was finally my turn. I opened them quickly, seeing that May got me a makeup set, Peter got me more perfume and a really pretty necklace of a spider. Yeah, a spider, but it was still beautiful.

"I have one more gift for you." Peter stated, his hands shaking slightly as he stood up.

I raised an eyebrow and watched him reach in his back pocket before kneeling down infront of me, causing my eyes to widen, "Peter.."

"Allison, I've loved you for a long time. I'm not going to go into a long speech, so I'm just going to ask. Will you marry me?"

I chuckled slightly and nodded, "Of course I will."

He smiled and slid the ring on, aunt May clapping behind him. I smiled brightly and wrapped my arms around his neck, his lips meeting mine.


Thank you guys so much for reading this story. It really means a lot to me :)

The ring is on the side :D


Jelsa - 5
Jack Frost & OC - 6
The Walking Dead - 3
The Joker - 1

IF YOU HAVE ALREADY VOTED, YOU CAN CONTINUE TO VOTE I don't really care :) Personally, I am pulling towards JF&OC or The Joker because I feel like I can do so much with that. If I did a Jelsa story, I don't think I would be able to pull of writing Elsa.

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