Chapter Thirteen

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"I love watching the sunset." I mumbled, looking up at the sky.

"It sucks you never get to see the stars here, though." Peter replied, shaking his head slightly.

"They're pretty."


"What else are we talking about?" I chuckled, looking over at him, "Back home, you'd be able to see the stars every night."

"Hm." he sighed, nodding slightly, "It's been a long time since I've seen any."

"Did you ever find out what happened to your parents?" I asked quietly.

"Plane crash." he frowned, "I found my dad's brief case a few days before uncle Ben died."

"Anything interesting in it?"

"Not really." he stated, looking away from me, "He's always been secretive."

I just nodded and looked down at my hands, studying my dark blue polished nails, "Do you know Spiderman?"

"Everyone does."

"I mean, personally. Since, you know.. You takes pictures of him and stuff. And you trust him with your camera."

"Not too personally." he shrugged, "Just enough to let him use the camera and return it. I don't know who it is under the mask or anything."

I nodded and stood up, "I still find it weird how you dress up as him for fun."

"Don't talk about it." he groaned, hiding his face.

I giggled and turned towards him, "Come on, let's head-"

I was cut off by loud sirens sounding throughout the city. Raising an eyebrow, I looked around, "That's not normal police sirens."

"That's the sirens they use for tornadoes." he frowned, standing up quickly, looking up at the sky, "But why? It's a clear sky. There's no tornado or any other signs of a storm."

"Um, well." I mumbled, nudging his arm and pointing in the opposite direction he was looking.

He turned, "Oh shit."

"That's not a normal tornado." I stated, "There was no rain and we could still see the sunset." I stated, looking at Peter quickly, "Someone, somehow, had to have caused this."

"Right. You're right, okay. Go home and get aunt May and yourself down to the basement."

"It's not even near where we live-"

"I don't care. Go."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to go check it out."

"You're crazy." I frowned, grabbing his wrist, "Just come home now."

"I can't, Allison. Just go." he stated before pulling his wrist away and running towards the sight of the forming tornado.

I shook my head slightly before jogging towards the house. Once I got inside, aunt May was quickly gathering up flashlights and candles, "Let's head to the basement." I said.

"Where's Peter?"

"He told me to come on home. He said he'll be here soon." I said, walking behind her to the basement door.

She sighed quietly, "I thought you being here would stop him from doing stupid things." she stated under her breath.

I frowned and glanced back at the front door, seeing lightening rip across the sky, "I'll go get him."


"Just go on down there and I'll go get him. You're right; he doesn't need to be doing stupid things and I'm going to stop him."

When should she find out about him being Spiderman? I'm thinking next chapter or so :)

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