Chapter Eight

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I tossed my drink into the trash can as we walked passed it, Peter doing the same to his drink and the popcorn bucket. I looked over at him, "So, what now?"

"Up to you."

"I found this little bakery I wouldn't mind going to." I told him, shrugging slightly.

He nodded, "That's fine with me."

I smiled and walked beside him down the street, looking around the city slowly, "It's great to be back here."

"You've been here for over a week now." he chuckled.

"I know, but still. It just reminds me so much of our childhood, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." he sighed.

"Have you heard anything from Oscorp yet?"

"No, not yet."

I frowned slightly, but nodded and stopped walking when I saw a large number of people running the opposite direction we were going. I raised an eyebrow and looked over at Peter, who was tensed up as he tried to see whatever they were running from.

"Go home." he stated, "Now."

"What's going on?" I asked, grabbing his arm quickly as the ground started to shake.

"Don't ask questions." he said, looking down at me.

He started to say something else, but I blocked him out as a giant lizard looking thing started walking into the view. My jaw dropped and I quickly backed away, "What is that?"

He quickly turned around and ran a hand through his hair, "Go, Allison."

I nodded and turned around, running down the street quickly. Glancing back, I noticed Peter was no where to be seen any more. I shook my head and let out a loud breath.

"Where's Peter?" May asked as I closed the front door behind me.

"Oh, he said he had to go pick something up from the store." I told her, lying through my teeth.

I actually have no idea where he could have gone. He was there one second and when I turned around..nothing. How could someone just vanish like that? I sighed and made my way upstairs, passing Peter's room slowly. I stopped, turning and pushing open his door. Maybe I'll get some answers if I look around.. Even though I really shouldn't.. Oh well, he'll never know.

I bit my bottom lip and walked into the bedroom, shutting the door and walking over to his computer. I sat down and went through a majority of his files, not seeing anything unusal. I sighed quietly and ran a hand through my hair before standing up and walking over to his closet, pulling open the door. Nothing unusal here, either.. I sighed and pushed his clothes away, not seeing anything on the floor either.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped and turned around, seeing Peter standing in front of the window with an eyebrow raised.

"Just looking for a t-shirt. I love yours." I shrugged innocently, walking away from the closet and closing the door with my foot.

He just nodded slightly and sat down at the computer, "So why was my door closed?"

"How'd you come in here without me hearing the door open?" I answered with a question.

"My door never makes any noise when it opens."

"Well, maybe the wind or something blew it closed. I'm gonna go take a shower now." I stated before quickly pulling open the door, raising an eyebrow when it make quiet a loud creaking noise.

"It does make noise sometimes. Just not all the time. You have to open it the right way." he said, shrugging slightly.

"Right." I mumbled before quickly walking out of the room.

Peter is hiding something and I'm determind to find out what it is.

Old Friends (Peter Parker/Andrew Garfield)Where stories live. Discover now