Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I placed the bags on Peter's bed, looking around the room. Now all there's to do is wait.. I frowned and sat down at his computer, slowly turning in the chair. I sighed quietly and turned to the computer, quickly going to YouTube. I typed in my favorite song at the moment before turning the volume up.

"Are you, are you, coming to the tree?" I mumbled, staring out the window.

I let out a breath, staring up at the sky. I was in too much pain to move. Slowly turning my head, I saw the police take down the man. Turning my head back to look up at the sky, I pulled my phone out and scrolled down to Allison's name. I pressed the call button, pressing the phone against my ear. A few seconds later, I heard her pick up, The Hanging Tree playing in the background. I smiled to myself, waiting for her voice.


"Allison." I mumbled, coughing slightly.

"What's wrong? Where are you? Are you okay?" she quickly asked.

"I'm not okay." I stated, "I don't know how it happened, but I can't hardly move. I just wanted to say a couple of things to you before.."

"Before what, Peter?" she whispered, "Where are you? I'll come to you."

"There's no time for that." I told her, the song still playing in the background, "I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Peter, what the hell are you talking about?! There is no goodbye."

"There is this time." I chuckled weakly, "I just wanted to let you know.. I love you." I heard a sob come across the speaker, causing tears to instantly fill my eyes, "I always have."

"Peter." she cried, "Don't do this."


"I'm sorry, Allison." Peter whispered, the line suddenly cutting off.

I stood from the chair, staring down at my phone. The song suddenly changed, Selena Gomez's voice coming through the speakers, "You got me sippin' on something..."

I ran a hand through my hair before running out of the door, aunt May suddenly stopping and looking at me, "What's going on?"

"I'll be back." I stated, wiping the tears from my face and continuing out the door.

I stepped up to the police lines, hearing people gasp. I instantly looked over, seeing a police man with a blue and red suited body in his arms. I instantly froze, staring at the body. Peter.. I quickly ran over to the police officer, "No." I whispered.

"Ma'am, can you please go back behind the police tape."

"This is my boyfriend." I cried, shaking my head, "I can't.."

"You know who Spiderman is?" he asked quickly.

"It doesn't matter who it was." I stated coldly, looking up at him, "He's gone now." I pressed my hand against his neck, feeling a light pulse. I internally smirked. I should have known..

I don't really know what just happened in this xD I'm listening to all these different songs and they're making me right what I feel and I just don't even know .-. Sorry if it's bad xD

The Hanging Tree song on the side! Plus shirtless Andrew Garfield ;D


A) Jelsa (Jack Frost and Elsa)
B) Jack Frost and an OC
C) The Mad Hatter
D) Jack Sparrow
E) The Walking Dead
F) The Joker

Let me know down in the comments! I've been really into Johnny Depp recently, so that's why there's a couple of his characters in it :) I already have some votes in, so let me know! {I'm pulling towards either a JF & OC or The Mad Hatter, personally :) }

Old Friends (Peter Parker/Andrew Garfield)Where stories live. Discover now