Best Man//END

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AN- Ok. I lied in the last chapter. This is the final, which is good because I want to finish my final story by the end of the month so I can officially start fresh. Anyway, I'll leave you to the story.

Judy was released from the hospital three days after she had awoken in the hospital room, and honestly, she was relieved to be freed from the medical prison. She was also happy to have Nick back in her life. The bunny felt as though she had waken up to find that she was back in her old life. The good one.

The two had already talked about Judy moving back in with Nick once she was out and she was both excited and scared.

Excited, because she was ready to get back with Nick and be a family again, raising Amber and Todd.

Scared because she would have to go back to Jason's house to get everything she and the kids had there.

Nick said he was going with her, which made her feel better. After hearing what happened between him and Nick, Judy figured he wasnt going to try anything as long as Nick was she thought.
The truck pulled into the driveway of Jason's home and Judy was nervous. She was smart enough to leave the kits with Faith, because she knew some words would be said.

"You dont have to go in there," Nick said to the bunny," I mean, I think it would be pretty easy to tell what all we need to get."

Judy shook her head," I'll be fine, Nick. Just as long as you're there with me."

Nick nodded his head and the two exited the truck and walked to the front door. Judy knocked on it, and a few seconds later, Jason opened the door," What the hell do you want?" The rabbit asked.

"I came for my stuff," Judy answered.

"I was talking to the fox," Jason replied with a cold stare.

Nick smiled and said," I'm backup."

Jason shook his head," I want you off my property."

The rabbit tried to close the door, but Nick stopped him, forcing the door back open," Judy wants her things. We are here to get it. If there is a problem with that, that perhaps we could take it up with the ZPD."

Jason growled a little and gave in, allowing the two inside. Judy immediately went upstairs and started packing, while Nick went to the kits room, packing their things as well.

Jason had snuck upstairs to see Judy," So, that fox did take you back after all."

"His name is Nick," Judy replied," And save the small talk. You are no longer in my life, and I want it to stay that way."

Judy walked for the door, but Jason stopped her," You cant leave."

"Yes i can," Judy said," Now get out of my way."

Judy tried to force passed him, but Brett began to try and grab her, which Judy stopped by bringing her foot up and kicking him as hard as she could in the crotch region.

Jason immediately fell down in pain, feeling like he was gonna pass out or throw up," Goodbye, Jason," Judy said with a smile as she went downstairs and saw Nick waiting for her," Where did Jason go?"

"He is upstairs looking for his balls," Judy answered with a smile, leaving the house.
Judy had just finished putting the last of her clothes into the bottom dresser drawer when she turned around to see Nick smiling at her," What?" The bunny asked with a blush.

"It's just...It feels so good to have you back home, Carrots."

Judy walked up to her fox and grabbed him tie, bringing him down slowly till he was inches away before saying," Its good to be back." The bunny then planted a kiss on the lips of her fox and he melted into it.

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