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AN- There is no better way to start a story than by literally tearing your heart out of your chest and forcing you to eat it when I allow a demon to suck your pained soul out of your body.

"You know you love me," Nick Wilde said with a smile to the grey bunny driving their police cruiser.

"Do I know that?" She asked, wiestioningly," Yes. Yes I do."
It's amazing how crazy life is, and how romance can bloom between two mammals without warning. Nick and Judy had never thought they would find love in front of an ice cream shop.

Over time, life just got better for the two. Soon came marriage, and two years after that, they had their first kit, a female bunny named Amber. Two years after her was their second kit, a male fox named Todd. Now, they were a family, and their bond was stronger than ever. However, the problem with making it to the top, is that the only other way you can go is down. That sadly, that's what happened.

12 years after the two had married, the spark had went out. At least, in Judy's eyes. The love had faded. Their good morning kisses felt more like a handshake you give your boss. The cutesy comments they used to always make were no more. It got to were the two didnt even touch eachother. The bunny has heard of mammals being too comfortable together, and it never made sense to her, but now, she understood the expression.

She thought what they needed was a break. Just some time apart for thought, and hopefully, after a week or two, things could go back to normal. However, for some reason, judy didnt want 'normal' back. She wanted the romance to come back. A week after the two had decided on a break, Judy did find romance again. However, it wasnt with her husband.
"What!?" Nick said, shocked.

"Nick please, dont make this hard," Judy begged, looking down," Look...we had a good run, and you gave me the best 10 years of my life, but....I think it is time for us to move on."

"Carrots," Nick said," What do I have to do? I dont know what i did to lose your love, but I will do anything to get it back."

Judy felt tears in her eyes as she said," Its too late, Nick. I'm sorry. I'm just....I'm not happy anymore."

"What about the kits?" Nick said," What about them?"

"Day by day, Nick. Things will get better for us, and...we will soon realize that maybe this is for the best."

"Is there somebody else?" Nick asked, now looking away.

"Yes," Judy said, not having the strength to lie to the fox who was not feeling broken.

"And he is making you happy?"

"Yes, Nick," Judy answered," He is. Almost as happy as you once made me."

Nick then let a smile from on his face," I always told you that your happiness is what matters most to me," Nick said," This is gonna hurt like hell, but if it is what you really want, then I wont stand in the way."

Judy nodded her head and slid the papers toward Nick, and handed him a pen to sign the form ending their marriage. Something Nick never thought he would have to do.
"You did what!?!" Finnick asked, outraged.

"Me and Judy are moving on," Nick said," She wants to be happy, and I am not depriving her of that."

"Counseling. Talking. Going on a one on one date. Actually TRYING to make it work. Did all of that just go out the fucking window?"

Nick sighed," Judy said she wasnt happy with me. I didnt want her to feel trapped. If this other guy makes her happy, then so be it."

Finnick quickly looked to the bartender," I need another shot, now!"

Finnicked downed the shot quickly then said," You are telling me, there is another guy? You stepped to the side for some else to take your girl?!"


"If you say something about her 'being happy' one more time imma knock your teeth down your throat," Finnick said plainly," Because, obviously, you ain't happy. This is killing you, and I know it."

"I'm fine," Nick said, taking a sip from the beer bottle.

"And that, right there is proof that you are not ok. You have not had a sip of alcohol since Amber was born. You haven't been inside of this BAR sense she was born. You know that is the main reason I was worried? I dropped everything to be here when you said you were coming to the bar. Because if something is bothering you so badly that you decided to start drinking again, then it had to be bad."

Nick put the bottle down and said," You're right....im not ok. But, we were together for 12 years. I thinks this will take some time."

"What about the kits?" Finnick said.

"Me and Carrots decided on Joint custody. They will stay at the house with me every other weekend."

"She is letting you keep the house?"

Nick nodded his head," Carrots didnt want to fight over anything. She just wanted it clean and simple. She and the kits are moving in with this new guy Thirday afternoon," Nick explained," After that...I guess we will just have alot of adjusting to do."

Finnick shook his head," I cant believe this, dude. I cant believe you are giving up so damn easily."

"I'm not giving up," Nick said, picking the beer bottle up once more," I'm moving on."
It had been two years sense those papers were signed. The two would only see eachother, or even talk to eachother, every other weekend when the kits were to go to stay with Nick. The two thought it best if Nick wasnt her police partner on the force no longer, which Bogo understood, and they tried putting Nick in with Precinct 2, but after two month without Judy, the job didnt feel right anymore. So, he quit. The fox got a job in construction, where Finnick also worked. Nick gave Judy his car, which she was hesitant to accept, but, after Nick explained to her that with his new job, he would need a truck, she agreed to it. She didnt have a vehicle, and neither did her new lover, Jason, sense he didnt have a job. In fact, the couple of times Nick met the bunny, he didnt like him. He couldn't believe of all the mammals he had to trust his kits with, it was this....this...BUM.

He didnt have a job, a car, his house was in a bad spot of Zootopia, the yard didbt seem like it was touched in years, he was a drinker, and over all, Nick just couldn't stand him. However, he made Judy happy, and so the fox decided to just have hope this mammal was better than what he seemed to be. Maybe one day, the bunny would change into a better mammal.

Two years.

No luck.

Nick did as Judy suggested and took it day by day, trying to adjust to a life without with bunny. After the hangovers stopped hurting, it became easier, until Nick only drank on the weekends he didnt have the kits.

The new normal Sucked, but Nick couldn't admit that. Judy was over him, so he had to find some way of getting over her. The fox even went on a few blind dates, but none of them worked out because none of these vixens could even light a candle to Judy. Her beauty. Her enthusiasm. Her laugh. Her personality. None of them had it. Soon, the fox just gave up on finding new love. He still had his kits, and he was fine with just that.

Judy had once told Nick something Chief Bogo said to her when she first started at the ZPD, and Now as the fox looked at how fast things went from good to bad, he saw that it was true.

'Life isnt just some cartoon musical.'

AN- 1400 word count. Maybe i can keep this up. So, a good foundation. Everything is now thrown out there to you. The story has begun and we can begin.....idk when the next update will be, but let's hope its soon. Anyway, hopefully you guys liked this chapter. Till next time......

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