I Miss You

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AN- Ok, i don't hate this chapter. Let's see what you think.


 Nick had returned to the hospital, running the whole way due to not having a ride, and he immediately went to the nurse he had seen earlier," Is there any change with Judy Wilde?" he asked, out of breath.

The nurse remembered the fox and said," I'm sorry, but there has been no change yet, sir."

Nick signed at the news and said," Can I please see her?"

The nurse gave it a thought and finally said," Alright. You may come with me and ill show you to her room. But only for a minute."

Nick nodded his head as the Antelope led him to Judy. They had reached the room and she opened the door for Nick, but when he saw his bunny laying in that bed, wires and tubes all over her body, he had to look away and fight a tear from falling.

"Would you still like to go in?" The nurse asked.

Nick nodded his head and took a breath before going through the door.

"I'll be back in ten minutes."

Nick nodded his head and took a seat on the chair beside the bunny. He was feeling to empty just seeing her like this," Carrots," Nick chocked out, still fighting the urge to cry," I'm sorry. I am so sorry. This is all my fault. I know if you were to hear me right now, you would punch me in the arm and call me a dumb fox. You never wanted to blame me for anything. How a hustler like me could look so perfect in your beautiful violet eyes is beyond my ways of understanding. However, there is no denying that you being in this bed right now is, in fact, my fault. If I would have never let you leave me, if I had tried harder to keep your love, if I had been a better husband, then you would have never left. We would have still been a family, raising our baby's together, and all of this would have never happened."

Now there was no more fighting it. Nick let the tears fall, and used his paw to wipe away these tears as he said," I miss you, Judy. Everyday I have had to live with you and the kits has been harder for me. There are many days where I think about the past and all it does it make me hurt more inside. So many texts I wanted to send you in hopes that we could start over being erased from my phone. So many times I looked at your number on my phone wanting so badly to call. So many times I drove passed your house with a strong urge to stop and run inside just to hold you in my arms one more time. I have been trying to damn hard not to love you, Carrots, but all that does is make me love you more. Please, Judy. Come back to me. You know you dumb fox cannot live in this world without you."

Nick looked up again to see Judy laying on the bed without response. As if she were sleeping, but really, the bunny was fighting for her life.

Nick got up from the chair and kissed the bunny on the forehead before leaving the room.



Nick and Judy were in their police cruiser, patrolling the streets of Zootopia, both having a little small talk to pass the time.

"So, Nick, it is so hard to believe you have been a cop for a little over 5 years. Honestly, I didn't think you would stick it out this far."

Nick took a glance at the bunny," And Judy do you mean by that, Mrs. Wilde?"

Judy chuckled and said," Oh come on, Nick. All the little nit picks you get into with Bogo? It's a shock you haven't crossed him over the line yet."

Nick laughed," It's just poking fun, Carrots. Though, I guess that is a trate you don't have."

"Oh, I know how to have fun, Foxy."

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