Marry Me

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AN- Really enjoyed writing this chapter. Hope you enjoy reading It.

"Hey, Wilde," Terry Molt, Nick's boss, called to the red fox," Think you can help us out till six? One of the other guys cant make it."

Nick gave a sigh and said," Sorry, Boss, no can do. I have to pick up my kits this afternoon."

Terry gave a groan," Wilde, I need another guy for this evening if we want this job done. Cant you spare a few hours?"

"I'm sorry, sir," Nick continued," But I cant."

"I can cover for him," Finnick said, coming into the conversation.

Terry shook his head," Alright. Whatever."

Nick gave a look to the wolf as he turned his back," He needs to get off my back if he even want me here at all."

"Nick, my boy, he is a new boss, things are going to change," Finnick said.

The red fox shook his head," I'm tired of Change, Finnick."

The smaller fox looked down a little and said," You go on ahead and pick up to fluff balls."

Nick nodded his head with a smile as he walked toward his truck.
"You guys got everything ready?" Judy asked Amber and Todd," Daddy will be here soon."

"Not for long, I hope," Jason said with a groan," Everytime that fox comes here-"

"Can this wait till they are not in earshot?" Judy asked with a look of annoyance. Jason never made it a secrete that he didnt like Nick, because he was a fox. That was one of the bunny's flaws Judy would look passed. There were even times, when he was drinking, that his comments about Nick would turn into comments about the kits, and whenever that was said, Judy was first to put a foot down.

"I'm only being honest, Darlin," Jason replied.

"Maybe a little too honest," Judy said back. It was then that Nick's truck was heard pulling into the yard.

"Daddy!" The kits yelled, running for the fox.

"Hey guys," Nick said with a wide smile, hugging his babys," Todd, you have to have grown at least three foot sense I last seen you."

"Nope," the youngest kit laughed," Same size."

"Amber, my girl, what is happening, fluff?" Nick said, folding on of the small bunny's ears over her eye.

"I'm fine, daddy," the oldest kit chuckled.

"You remember-" Judy started, but was cut off by Nick.

"Todd has to take his medicine, and Amber has softball practice tomorrow afternoon. Carrots, I have the memory of an elephant, trust me."

Judy gave a small laugh and said," Ok, kits, one more hug goodbye."

Amber and Todd gave their mama a hug, giving her a kiss before going toward their dads truck," I'll see you Monday," Nick said, getting into the truck.

Putting the vehicle in Drive, Nick started down the road, looking at Judy through the rear view mirror. It has been two years sense those damned papers were signed, but Nick still missed her. Everytime he saw the bunny, another memory of the two would pop up.


Nick and Judy were on their one year anniversary date, celebrating a night that Nick had all planned out, from the suspenseful beginning, to the happy ending.

"So, Mr. Fox," Judy said from the passenger seat of the car," What do you have planned for this beautiful night?"

"If you must know, officer Hopps," Nick replied," Our first stop is for food. I am starving."

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