This Old Empty House

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AN- Pretty depressing beginning, but it picks up I promise. Lol.

Nick walked into his home later that night, once again feeling the emptiness of the silent walls that were once so full of life.

There used to be pictures all over those forest green walls in the living room where so many memories were made. This was the room where Jidy first gave the fox the news that she was pregnant with Amber. However, now the walls were almost bare.

Sometimes, if Nick were to concentrate hard enough, he could still smell Judy's scent on the fabrics of the couch.

Their bed, where so much love was made now felt like isolation. Often times, the fox would miss those night where he lay beside Judy and the bunny would continue to steal all the blanket in her sleep. He would miss waling up in the morning and seeing those beautiful violet eyes looking onto his emerald green eyes with so much love. He would often miss those nights during a roaring thunderstorms where the kits would get scared and run to their parents room for safety.

That kitchen, which held memories of bunt meals, and laughter. The fox would recall the days where Judy tried to teach Amber how to cook simple meals, and the young bunny feeling like a master chef when her grilled cheese sandwich came out beautifully.

The backyard, which held multiple tournament games of football, and endless fun of roughhousing in the large pile of leaves that would be raked up ever fall. All the nights where Nick would make a fire out there, and the fox would tell his corny jokes that never failed to make his family laugh.

This home held alot of memories. It held so many cherrishable moments that Nick always kept in his heart. It was a house so full of love. Full of happiness. Full of life. Full of fun. However, now, as Nick sat on the couch flipping through TV channels, the house had never felt more empty. Two years of Nick being the only one left roaming the halls, and still, the house didn't feel the same as it did when he and Judy were raising their family together in it.

Nick would often turn the TV volume up as loud as it would go, just to drown out the sound of silence.
Judy walked into the ZPD with her normal smile on her face, seeing Clawhouser at the desk," Judy!!" The cheetah said joyfully," How was your weekend?"

"I guess interesting would be the best term to use," Judy chuckled.

"How is Nick doing?"

Judy smiled," You know him. Same old Nick."

Clawhouser nodded his head then looked at the bunny's face," Judy, are you ok? Your cheek looks a little swollen."

Judy thought quickly and said," Yeah, I slipped in the shower last night and hit my face," the bunny laughed," Always a dumb bunny."

"Are you ok?"

"I'm just fine," Judy answered," Just ready to get to work. I'll catch up with you late, Ben," Judy said, making her way to the Bullpin.
Nick was sweating like a pig as he continued putting together the house his job needed done. The work distracted him from his constant thinknig on how the kits were. He tried hard to fight the urge to call every hour. He was worried about them is all. After seeing how Jason was during his drunken stages, he REALLY worried about them.


"Yes, Mr. Molt?" Nick said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"We got a new job. I want you, Finnicl, Robert, and Cal to get it done for me."

"Where at?"

"Bunnyburrow," the bossman said," Guy by the name of 'Hopps' needs a shed built."

"What?" Nick asked, shocked.

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