Dammit, Judy

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AN- I am enjoying this story, so i am trying to think of ways i can make filler chapters. Maybe you guys can help me out on that. Anyway,

Faith Hopps loved her sister. There was a strong friendship between the two their whole lives, and so, when Faith heard about the kind of mammal Jason was, it made her worry about her outgoing sister. The day she left Nick was one that shocked her, and to this day, the bunny didnt understand why Judy would do such a thing. How she could let go of what was possibly the best thing to happen to her.

Of course, the bunny had her theories, but kept quiet about them.

Faith's shone started to ring, grabbing her attention from the atV. She saw it was Judy," Hello?" Asked.

"Hey, sis," Judy said," Um, I'm gonna be a little late getting home, got a big case to finish, and I was wondering if you could go by my house and make sure the kits eat."

Faith raised a briw," Jason doesnt know how to feed a damn child?"

She could hear Judy sigh and say," Look, I dont want to talk about my reasoning. Just know that I want my kits fed, and Jason isnt going to do it."

"Alright. You got it," Faith said," Bye Judy."

"Bye," Judy said, hanging up the phone.

Faith got up from her couch and grabbed the keys to her car. One thought in her mind as she drove.

'Jason is a sorry ass mammal.'
Nick had begun putting up the roof on Stus shed, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was hot. Hell hot.

Almost like it was a gift from God, Bonnie came out the door with a pitcher of cold water," You boys must be burning up out here."

"Its part of the job, maam," Robert said with a chuckle.

"Man, the only thing you been working today is your gums," Finnicks commented, making the other laugh.

"Ok, dont kill eachother," Bonnie said with a smile," Help yourself to some water. And Nick, Faith tried to call you, but couldn't get ahold of ypu."

"My phone is in the truck," Nick said," Did she say what it was about?"

Bonnie just looked to the fox and said," She didnt sound too happy."

Nick nodded his head," I'll call her. Thanks, Bon."

Nick then walked to his truck and grabbed his phone, dialing Faith's number. After a few rings, the bunny answered," Hey, Nick."

"Faith," Nick said," Bonnie said you were trying to reach me."

The was a sigh heard through the other line, almost as if Faith was trying to decide how to say what she needed to say," Nick....earlier today Judy asked me to go to her house to make sure the kits were fed. Turns out, when Judy isnt working, Jason doesnt care enough to even feed them. He makes them go to their rooms and he leaves them there. Anyway, I went to the house, and Jason got mad about me showing up, much like you said he did with you. I told him Judy had sent me, and he got really pissed. Nick.....I'm worried."

The fox put a hand over his face," I am too, Faith. However....Judy being a cop, if she hasn't done anything yet, then I can already tell you she isnt going to do anything in the future."

"Nick, I'm sure sure if you noticed, but this isnt the Judy you married. This isnt the Judy I grew up with. This isnt the Kudy we know. I know my sister Nick. I know when she is scared, and she can deny it all she wants, but something about that rabbit has her terrified, but still she claims to love him. That he and her are ment to be. I dont know what kind of spell he has my sister under, but it is only a matter of time before things get really bad."

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