Chapter 10

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Zuhan POV

Today's the day. Its been a month. Me and the guys all heard back from SM about the 2nd audition. The other three had all gotten either an email or a direct call informing them of the venue information 2 weeks ago. Which meant that they were at a little disadvantage as me, Kevin and Mark had 2 extra weeks to practice compared to them. 

For my songs, I decided to go easy. It'd be hard to learn new songs and remember them, especially in a state of nervousness. That's why, I decided to choose something I could recall off the top of my head. Something like The Lion King...

Yes, I was gonna to sing Disney songs. they were the only thing I could think of that were catchy, and easy to remember since they were songs that I had grew up with. The guys had a laughing fit when I told them my decision but none the less they were encouraging once they realized that I was not joking. They had even helped me a little. We were helping each other. We learnt to dance together through youtube at the guys place in the garage as it was the only open space available. We kept each other on key and even critiqued one another. I must say, if we don't make it, I wouldn't regret. Throughout this whole month, I could really feel our bonds strengthening. It was as if nothing could take us down. We saw sides of each other we've never seen before. Like who knew Mark could rap? and decently too. 

Anyways, we were now all on the bus. Yep, it was 6 am and we were on the bus. I was extra tired, the excitement and nervousness kept me up all night and I could tell, I wasn't the only one. 

In the middle of the bus ride, Karry had pulled out a bag from his pocket. BOILED EGGS?!, who keeps eggs in their pockets.

"Guy's, come on, I know you're all tired, but breakfast is the way to go. I didn't raise you guys to skip meals." He said with a sigh as he started peeling the shells off, passing me the first one as I thanked him quietly. 

I had a hard time eating the egg, I was as if it were stuck in my throat the whole time. I could think straight. All I could think of was the worst possible outcome from this audition. What if I suddenly need to pee? or worse what if I accidentally vomit? In front of the judges. I would not be able to like this day down. 

The whole ride there was silent, nobody made any conversation. It was a nice silence, not filled with tension, kinda soothing even. One look and you could see that we were all on our toes. Waiting eagerly to see what might happen. 

It wasn't until we reached the venue did the silence break.

"We got this!" yelled Kevin as he pumped his fists in the air, "who cares what happens, I could care less. what matters if were not alone right?" he had turned his head over to Karry, hoping to get some kind of support.

"Yep." Karry agreed, popping the p. "And if anything, we can just eat well tonight, maybe watch a movie right kids?" he smiled

"All the singing and dancing in the shower has got us prepared for this, who cares, we're young anyways. It'd be a shame if they didn't pick us." Kevin had tilted his head up, puffing out his chest as if he were some kind of superhero. His actions caused a fit of laughter between us as Tanaka reached his arm out to open the door. Here we go.

The moment we walked in we noticed a line of people, maybe 30 of them in front of us. Two women in their early 20s maybe were sitting behind a long desk, checking people in. ID's were confirmed, and we were given numbers. I was number 028. After getting our numbers we continued through the doors behind the desk. The moment we walked in, That was when we felt it. The tense air. Nobody was talking except for those organizing the events. The hall was large. Lecture style large. I was like a movie theatre, there was a little stage in the middle surrounded with chairs. I felt the hair on my arms raise as I realized. This was not a private audition. We would have to perform in front of the other chosen ones that had passed the first round. I felt my throat dry as I gulped. 

As the guys lead me to sit on the 5th row of chairs, I looked around. There were 2 cameras, one facing the centre of the stage, which would get a full view of our faces and one in an angle. There was a long desk, with three seats, 2 of which were already occupied by 2 older women talking to each other while looking through piles of paperwork on their desk. What caught my attention the most though, was the four mysterious looking men sitting at the very top of the room, in the last row, opposite from the entrance. They were all dressed in black, head covered by either a hood or a snapback. masks were worn as well. I could barely even see their eyes. It seemed as though I were the only one that noticed their appearance though as they seemed to blend in with the background. Each of them holding a a clipboard. I couldn't take my eyes off them until I was elbowed from the side. Turning to the side, I looked a Derek. He had reached his hand out to me, giving me an encouraging squeeze as the lights dimmed.

Its starting now.

Luhan POV

We were off the plane now and headed to the venue. I was not in a good mood. First the flight was uncomfortable, and there was a kind crying somewhere behind us on the plane the whole time. I couldn't sleep a wink and let me tell you I wasn't the only one. To make matters worst, none of us knew english. We were stuck going through check in for the longest time. Thank lord, manager hyung knew basic english or we would be screwed. Even he had to go back and forth. He had it worst, making sure each and every one of us had gotten our bags and were in one piece. Currently, we were all taking a quick nap while heading to the venue in a company booked car.

By the time I shifted in the car we were already there. It was a short half an hour nap but it'd have to do. 

"Remember to cover up so that you don't get seen." Manager hyung yelled from the passenger side as he handed out masks turning to make sure we were all listening.

When we were prepared to leave, we all got out of the car and headed into the venue. 

"Ahhhh! fresh air." called Baekhyun as he took a deep breath. 

"My back feels so sore right now" complained Sehun as he threw his arm over my shoulders.

"If your back hurts, imagine Minseok hyung, hell need a back brace soon." Giggled Baekhyun, receiving a light punch in return as Xiumin turned around, a smile on his face.

"Let's just get this over with so we can go sleep." I yawned, "and tomorrow, WE are going on a picnic. Don't forget" I shoved my hands in my pocket as we walked straight into the hall. 

It was still early and staff we still preparing the venue, we had decided to sit at the very back in order to not attract attention to ourselves and maybe get a little shut eye without anyone noticing. As we sat, Manager hyung handed us each a clipboard filled with the names of the people auditioning, their number as well as the 3 options, Pass, Maybe, and Fail. I could do this with my eyes closed. If it weren't for the fact that I'd be crying of guilt later I would have just filled it out now and left. 

It hasn't even been 10 minutes and people were now starting to fill up the seats. Nobody noticed us at all. It was as if we were invisible. That is until a girl turned around assessing the room, staring right at us. There's something about her. Squinting I looked at her number, 028. Looking back at the clipboard I saw her name Wang Zuhan. This name...feels so familiar...but that can't be right...thats impossible.

"Hyung what's wrong?" Sehun turned looking right at me. 

"Oh. It's nothing. Just a little tired." I replied shaking it off.

"You were looking at her weren't you?" Xiumin asked innocently, "kinda looks like you" he joked.

This peaked Baekhyuns interest as he sat up "Thats so true, her eyes are nice and round too, like yours." he commented

"Y-yea. What a coincidence right?" I tried to laugh it off commenting on the new people entering the room as she turned away from us. 

She looks like her I thought. Like mom.

You see, my mother had a very big argument with my father when I was young, maybe around 14?. She had left him for another and moved out of China, immigrating to Canada as a result. At first we kept in touch, but as years go bye. Calling once a week turned into once a month, and from there once a year. Now I barely had contact with her. I heard from her old friends that she had given birth to a daughter, but theres no way right. I mean, the world isn't that small. Is it?

MY BROTHER IS EXO'S LUHAN?!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant