Chapter 8

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Zuhan POV

Its been almost a week since the audition.

I think my mom knows whats up since we havent really spoken to eachother since. Don't get me wrong, we dontalk to eachother, but jljust not full blown conversations like we used to.

Right not I'm in my room, doing nothing. I dont really want to leave my room either, ever since the day of the audition theres been a sort of tension between my parents.

It was then that my phone rang.

Ring Ring Ring

It was a private number. usually when they call, I would ignore them. But since I didnt really have anything to do, I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"This is SM entertainment and we would like to speak with Zuhan, is she there?" Was the answer, whoever one the line sounded to automated, I thought I was a scam.

"Yes, I am Zuhan"

"Ah, I was wondering if you would be able to come to a second audition as we have taken a liking toward for after the first."

Is she kidding me? Now I'm really suspicious, but I atill answered, hoping that this was real.

"Yes, that would be wonderful." Is it weird to say wonderful? My brain is slowly breaking down from this conversation.

"Okay, we will email the audition venue information to the email that you have applied through. We hope to ses you there." And with that she hung up..... I didnt even get to say bye

Just as she said, I did get another email. It seems that the next one is taking place next month, theres even instructions here.

Please prepare 3 songs of your choice to sing. Dancing as well as acting skills will also be tested. Come prepared. Have this emaaail ready in order to confirl your identity, we hope to see you there.

Three songs??? Do I even know any songs?

At that point I was starting to freak out. But I still have a month no? I then decided to text the boys on the group chat.

Guys did anything happen recently? -Zuhan

I didnt want to hint at anything as I didnt want to rube it in if I were the only one going to the 2nd audition.

Its been 5 mins.... They havent replied yet. With that I slept waiting for their replies as I did.

Luhan POV

"Hyung, come with us you have to." Said Sehun as he held onto my arm.

"No, were idols why do we need to participate in auditions. I dont undersyand what management is thinking."

"Come on, I want to go. Our comeback is over anyways, just think of it as vacation."

"Thats not how it works, how do we know who to pick anyways"

"Doesnt matter~ Just pick anyone you think is pretty and catches your eyes."    Said Baekhyun as he waved his hands over his face. "Both ways, its managements fault for not having enough workers at the moment."

"I dont know, maybe, I'll think about it."

MY BROTHER IS EXO'S LUHAN?!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz