Chapter 2

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It was lunch and I am grateful for the food in the cafeteria.

Luckily my unfinished homework was never discovered, don't you just love it when you don't do work and your teacher forgets to ask for it.

While I do.

I am now sitting with my group of friends chewing my hamburger, when

"Hey isn't SM's global audition like next month?" Kevin asked.

"I guess?" Derek.mumbled so quietly that I swear if someone was breathing to loudly I wound be able to hear.

"Ohh! Wanna go?, it might be fun and who knows we right become famous!" I yelled, catching some stares from students around the cafeteria.

"I don't know, what if something happens?" Karry said worry spread across his face.

"I agree" Tanaka then looked at us in the eyes as he put his burger down.

"Aww come on, don't be such a fiddle stick" Mark groaned as jeno  he shifted his body.

"Yeah, you scared?" Kevin teased and got a look from Karry.

"I'm not!, you know what lets send in the email tonight."

Words of sure and okay came from the others as Mark and Kevin was smirking at Karry and Tanaka was quiet.

The bell then rang to signal class was starting.


Omg! I swear if it weren't for you guys I didn't think I would be able to update.

Love your efforts

MY BROTHER IS EXO'S LUHAN?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora