Chapter 6

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Zulan's POV

Today's the day!!! I am soooo excited

My parents have already went to work and I'm currently getting ready to bus with Derek to the audition hall. Derek hasn't said much, I know hrs quiet and all but right now, he is very quiet.

We were going to meet the others there so when I was done, we headed out.

I don't know what to do and  guessing Derek didn't either. "I heard that it's important to drink alot of water." He said quietly on the bus.

"Yea, but I don't want to end up peeing myself when it's my turn, who knows? I might even hurl, so scared and me puking will not help my current situation." I replied making a disgusted face.

"True." He commented, and thay was it. The rest of the ride was pretty much silence, not the bad one but the comfortable good one. The kind where you feel good and not have to worry about people staring at your awkwardness.

After an hour of the bus we were there, the audition hall.

Just as I was starting to feel more confident too, the moment I saw the place all colour had drained from my face, we were at a hotel, and mind I say a big one.

It seemed that we were last to arrive as the others were standing outside waiting for us.

"Hey! Over here!" Tanaka waved to us as he called us over.

"Nervous?  Nervous?  I bet you are" Mark giggled in a sing-song voice.

"Yea right, but I bet you are, look at you bouncing around." I tried to on a face but instead it just made me look more serious and uptight then I wanted to.

"Guys, we're all here right? Don't need to count heads are anything?" Came Karry trying to het our attention and a quiet 'Yea were all here' from Derek. 

"Alright I don't want anybody getting lost you here me?" He questioned looking everyone in the eye before continuing, "and if you do, look for Tanaka he is the tallest out of all of us so I suggest you look for him first."

As he said this groans, moans and okays were heard to show that we were listening.

"Okay then, let go." I squeaked out in a high pitched voice trying to lift the mood and catching the attention of a few people around us.

"I got this, I got this, just watch me, I know everything, it's all under my sleeve." Mark muttered more to himself then to others, I guess he was even more overwhelmed now that we were walking into the hotel and to the lobby.

When we reached the lobby there was a little make shift sign with arrows showing us where to go, as we passed through the doors, I stopped, the first thing I thought of was the large amount of people gathered here. Some sitting quietly, others practicing.

With a small push from behind I snapped out and ran to catch up with the others.

We were all silent, the only thing I heard was faint buzzing, I could'nt feel anything as I stood in line with others and waited for my turn.

Finally, it was my turn, we were called in groups of 10 and brought into another room, Karry and Tanaka had already left as they were placed in the group before us.

As the worker ushered us into the other room, I thought rang throughout my head well here goes nothing.

Authors note- I have answered your prayers, lol not. I was just going through wattpad when I realized that this story was getting alot more love then I had expected and the fact the the readers (you) had actually commented on how you relate to the story and how you felt really made my day. I'm trying hard to go back and answer and questions that you guys had at the moment ( I apologize for being so late) and am also making more time to comeback and update for you lovey readers, well hope you enjoy, and thanks for sticking around and waiting for my updates, I really appreciate it.

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