Chapter 7

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Zuhans POV

Right now everything was so tensed, the pressure was so high as I tried to eat dinner with my family once again. 

The others had left the moment we were done, leaving me to come home for dinner alone. 

I don't even know what I should do anymore.

So I did nothing, I sat there lost in my thoughts.

*5 hours earlier*

Well here goes nothing I thought to myself as I stepped into the room with the guys, the moment we walked in everyone turned to look at us, the group of 10 that had came in before us were currently getting ready to leave. Although they were starting at us with encouraging smiles I could feel it, we were being judged internally. 

When they left we were then ushered to line up by the wall, that's when I realized that there were only 2 adults inside the room with us. One was busy working with the camera while the other lady was on her phone, she didn't even bother to glance up at us as she seemed so engaged with that she was doing. 

I glanced to my left looking at Karry for reassurance as I could feel my guts at the moment just waiting for the right time to spill, he seemed to notice as he gave me a silent chuckle followed by a small smile. 

One by one we had each done or parts, some singing while others danced. Every now and then the lady would glance up from her phone and look at us, which just seemed to add onto the pressure.

When it was my turn I had instantly regretted my decision. Why sing? I knew I had no talent what so ever, so why did I? I could only hope that I didnt make any major mistakes.

By the time we were done and let out of the room, I was finally able to let out a breath of relief only to take a sharp intake of breath as Tanaka was called back into the room.

What did they want with him?

While he was still inside the room Karry had insisted what we waited for him instead of leaving first, so now we are currently sprawled across half the hallway just waiting for Tanaka to come back out.

I knew I should have been happy for him but... was he that good?
Why was he the only one called back? what if he leaves us? I know we had this conversation before but I couldn't help but think about it. I knew that I should believe in him but yet I was doubting it.

I closed my eyes and decided not to think about it for now. It had been a good 10 min before Tanaka came, quietly walking out of the room. We quickly got up to ask for details as we made our way outside the door.

He said they asked him questions, like his background, his hobbies, etc...

We made our way to the bus stop and thats when I froze. It was 6. I should be home as dinner would soon be served. I wanted to dig a hole and stay there. My mother would not be happy, especially when she finds out where I have just been.

I then turned to the boys "Hey, wanna just go out and eat instead?" I asked hoping that at least one person would agree and I could just push off going home to a later time.

"Uhh, man I would love too but.... im broke right now." Answered Mark.

"Ha feels bad man" laughed Kevin. " I would go but my sisters boyfriend is coming over tonight so I cant, maybe next time"

With that I could feel all my hope start to drain as one by one the guys started to turn me down. So much for wanting to stay out.

After a good 30 min on the bus we had finally split, as the boys walked home while I crossed the street to my house.

Looking at it, I can definitely say that I didnt want to be here. For some reason it looked scary, the sun was setting and the sound of a crow not so far away didnt help as well. I just knew it, if my dad didnt somehow convince my mother, I am in some deep trouble.

The moment I opened the door, I heard it. The loud screech of mother as she stormed into the doorway.

"And where were you today?" She questioned putting her hands on her hips. Oh no.

"Nowhere much,  was just with the boys. We were at the mall." Ohh I felt so bad at the moment. I knew I shouldn't have lied but if she knew the truth she would have skinned me alive. This was a matter between life and death.

"Oh whatever, were eating dinner now so you best get ready." And with that she turned around and left for the kitchen.

Phew, she let that go so quickly, but with all the short answers she was giving me I knew she wasnt happy.

So here I am now eating dinner in silence as I tried so come up with a better plan. Oh what am I going to do now?


I know this chapter isnt much but im trying to slowly build up to the climax. I know its been awhile since I updated so I tried to make it a little but longer, hope you enjoy!

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