chapter thirty one

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That night was horrifying, couldn't sleep at all kept shacking all night long, couldn't think straight why it's different why I must be in love with HIM why I have to go through this alone.

Didn't pay attention but apparently I fell asleep and was awoken by my alarm I had to be in the launch to go with Mr. Knight getting Mr. Russell and HIS SLUT from the airport.

I could hardly open my buffed eyes and I was emotionally and mentally drained I don't know if I can be around him. I dressed up dark green shirt and Paige short skirt wore my hair up in a sleek ponytail put some makeup on to hide my buffy face light brown lipstick and head to the launch. Didn't know what to do or how to react I just took a deep breath and walked when I got there I saw Mr.Knight standing there next to the reception desk he looked weird he was pacing the hole in a nervous way. But finally, he noticed me, I was pinned in my place couldn't move a muscle.

"Ohh Sarah thanks God," said heading so fast towards me which made me go steps back that caused him to stop few feet away from me putting his hands on his hips with his head down in regret.

"Please darling to react to me like that ...I am so deeply sorry I can't believe I did that.." then walked toward me and lifted my head to face him only to find it full of tears, which ran against my well, "look at your eyes and your lip "and he passed his thump on my busted lip from him trying to kiss me last night, at that moment I pulled back.

"I don't want to talk about it, "I said trying to gain control over this bad situation

"I can't believe I was that stupid to hurt you that much can't I apologize enough "with tears filling his eyes and regret filling his voice.

"But I don't want to talk about it and if you respect me you ll stop talking" I was really shocked I was sorry for him and mad at him at the same time didn't know what to do.

"let's go please I don't want to be late Mr. Russell hate it you know, and if you expect to ride together please don't talk about last night or I l get myself a different ride"

"No.. I won't utter a word. It's just...." And I cut him off

"Our car is here we have so much to do let's move "

The ride to the airport was awkward silence all the way though I felt him tossing and turning trying to talk to me.

We get to the place where we should wait for Mr. Russell .he tried to talk to me here and there but wouldn't let him, till finally, he pulled me by my arms to face him and almost shouting

" I won't forgive myself if you don't talk to me"

"forgive you ?!.... for what Sam?!" god damnt it was HIM standing right next to us staring at us death stare and we both froze looking back at HIM.

"i....." and I cut him off really fast before he gets me and himself in deep trouble

"I fell, "said that with hesitation

"What? ... You fell?" and he noticed my busted lip and looked worried reached out to touch it but I retreated really fast.

"it's nothing really I am fine Mr. Knight is making it a big deal when it's not"

"o..k let's move then we have a long day and a party to attend "anger shooting like bullets through his eyes

While we were talking this woman arrived right behind HIM

"Let's go Demion I think I need a shower and some wine "clinging on HIS arm looking at me up and down with her devious snaky eyes.

We rode to the hotel together with all four of us the ride was weird, but I could feel safer and at ease beside I think I missed HIM it was such a relief to me that he is here now .i realized I fall in love with HIM a while now, though sometimes I try to convince myself otherwise this is the truth.

We headed to the hotel Ms. snake went to her room and we went about our business we didn't realize how fast time flew by because now it's almost five PM and we have to get ready for, the annual party joined publishing and advertising companies held every year.

"Hum... I am beat "he said between breaths leaning back on his chair starching his long legs.

"Where did you fell? And why did Sam kept apologizing to you?" he asked matter of factly trying to be casual about it

"it's silly really don't worry about it" trying to get out of the subject

"I am heading to my room to get ready see you at 7 and if you happen to need the E-mails of WORK MAGAZINE before the party I ll be sending them when I get there," said that and gathered me thing heading to the door.

"ohm Sarah don't you think you own me a decent explanation how you did bust my belongings like that" stuck on my back with his hand extended on the door to block me from opening it .the moment I felt his heat over my head and on my shoulders I didn't know what came over me .i closed my eyes and let myself enjoy this couple of minutes.

Then he turned me to face him his hand cupped my face, pressing his thumb on my lips, which made me close my eyes in pain. then he placed a kiss on my eye.

" I missed every inch of this body of yours and I can't wait any longer"

He pulled me away from the door with on hand and looked the door with the other picked me kissing me nick and placed me on the desk ripped my shirt open and smelled me so deep made my legs so weak, then he put me down asked me to turn and bend on the desk but I was too scared to do so.

"don't worry I 'll be gentle " whispered to my ears.But even though I was too scared to oblige.

"ok then the hard way it is "so he turned me by force and bend me removing y skirt up, I start crying I couldn't hold my tears anymore and he stopped.

"Hush don't cry ...  "moving me up and placing me on the desk again

After a long hour he finally allowed me to go great now it 6 PM I have only one hour to get dressed but I couldn't be happier I was in his arms his warm strong arms the feelings I 've had are indescribable I think I missed him very much. I was about to get to the door.

"Hey kitten you own me ...b tonight that ass is mine" smirking at me then I ran to the door and up to my room getting ready for the party 

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