chapter five

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 I was standing there half naked with my wet tank top and bra, feeling mortified, in pain and confused, thinking of running out of Mr.Rassel's office but he said not to move and for some reason, I couldn't move a muscle.

"Hmm...Here wear this for now "he said clearing his throat. Without turning to face him in an attempt to hide my bare breasts I reached to the shirt from behind "thank you "I said trying to hide the fact I was crying five seconds ago. I took the shirt and kinda dashed to my office to put it on after I removed my tank top and my wet bra*oh dear good job dummy what a great first impression you left* thinking to myself while putting the shirt on which was black and huge on me but I managed to wear by folding the sleeves and toking it inside my skirt but the thing is I couldn't button it up because of the burn which resulted of showing more cleavage then I would like.

While tiding up my hair and cleaning my messed up face the scene with him grabbing my wrist and pulling close to him and the feeling of our bare skin touch all came back to me that made feeling uncomfortable *what was that why did he do that he could ve told me to stay without touching me*then I shook the thought by the sound of the beeper and his husky deep voice "Mrs.Cruz get the files I asked you for and head to the conference room now" he said ordering me.

"yes, sir "I answered then jumped to my desk grabbed the files and headed to the conference room.

After my arrival to room in two minutes, all departments head and few men in very expensive suits walked in greeting me and each other as I did the same forcing a smile not knowing there will be people other than Mr.Rassel and myself in the company in this weekend.

After they all stilled down Mr.Rassel arrived every one stood up and greeted him as he did the same "so gentlemen let's start our meeting" he said looking through his notes and files.

I sat on the left trying to catch up with every and each word had been said and taking notes till I was called "Mrs. Cruz show the gentlemen the files" he said not looking in my direction "yes sir "I said in an efficient tone.

And as I was distributing the files to the men sitting I was stopped by this handsome man, wearing a very smart three-piece suit with a beautiful blue eye and black hair, who was sitting next to Mr.Rassel "so this is the famous Mrs. Cruz "looking on my chest area and making his way slowly to my face while holding the files and my hand along with them.

"Mr. Knight guide the gentlemen through the rest of the plane we discussed earlier," Rassel said that with kinda commanding tone "Mrs.Cruz follow me," he said that without looking at me and I followed.

"I need you to schedule my meeting with the finance dept. First thing in the morning and book me a nice restaurant for my meeting with Elle's group, for now send me the meeting notes and black coffee I want you to finish by twelve cause I have meeting by one "saying that with his head in his PC and with kind of annoyed tone "but sir its almost eleven how ....can I "I said with a hesitation "what's your point Mrs.Cruz?"Said that looking at me with a harsh tone. "Nothing sir I am on it, "I said that trying not to be affected by his angry looking face.

I head to the kitchen making his coffee thinking did I do something why do I sense that he is mad at me?. Maybe he is just focused on his work and that's all I shouldn't read too much into it.

I finished the coffee and head to his office nocked at the door "come on in" answering me without pay attention really pointed to his left side of the desk to place the coffee without attiring a single word."Mrs. Cruz? "He shrugged before I exited his office "I would prefer if you button up your shirt and have the common sense to differentiate between the office and a dirty local pub"he said that to me with cold almost icy tone like it's a normal thing to say, standing at his office door trying so hard to grasp the things he said to me and not to cry.

Felt my whole body went numb and my face became red and the blood gathered in my ears and cheeks. Tears were forming in the corners of my eyes which I fought so hard not to show them "sure sir understood" I said that and stormed outta there before I started crying.


please vote and like my first ever story hope you enjoy it thanks 

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