Their Last Chapter + Epilogue

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:') I guess this is goodbye.

I love you.

Stay strong johnlock shippers, I have good feelings about the next season.


- somevelvetmorning

The coffin creaked open, and Sherlock's jaw dropped.

You could hear a choking noise in the back of his throat and his eyes started to water.

He extended a soft hand out into the coffin, to feel...was it real?

It was still warm.

He was still warm.

John was still warm.


John was in the coffin, he didn't look well, but he was alive.

His hands were bound, as well as his feet.

His mouth was duct taped shut.

He was fast asleep, with dark circles under his eyes and bloody gashes all over his body.

Tears fell down Sherlock's face, he couldn't feel them.

His heart had exploded into a million pieces, the pieces of shattered glass cutting into the rest of the body, causing him to internally bleed.

My John.


John Watson.

My doctor.

My friend.

But then he realized the implications of the situation, and started shaking John.

His voice was ragged and desperate as he yelled:

" John! John! JOHN!"

His doctor stirred, and slowly opened his eyes.

He broke into a smile, Sherlock could see it in the wrinkles of his eyes.

The detective ripped the tape off and began uniting his bonds.

" Am I dead? Are you an angel?"

John whispered, tears falling down his cheeks and past the spatters of dried blood.

Sherlock stopped and looked into his eyes.

He bent down and softly kissed his lips, stroking his patchy, blond hair soaked in red.

"No, you're alive.'re alive..."

Sherlock's voice started to choke up.

" We have no time for this, we have to get you to the hospital."

He hadn't even noticed the group of people lingering behind him.

" John? What the hell!?"

" Is this some kind of sick joke?"

Sherlock turned around swiftly and yelled


Alarmed, a few people scattered away.

Sherlock turned to Lestrade,

" Call help. Now. Don't ask questions."

Lestrade quickly nodded and dialed 911. As soon as he was on the phone, he silently ushered people away from the coffin as he spoke to the operator.

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