Chapter 16

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After the night before, life seemed like a rainy day daydream. But let's face it, Sherlock gets bored. So he was overjoyed when Lestrade called about a case. Everyone else was still suffering the initial shock of Sherlock and John being gay. They were local celebrities, they got much hate mail telling them to go kill themselves and said that they would go to hell. But to balance it out they also got lots of supportive letters saying that they were proud that they came out and such. If Sherlock wasn't there for John, I don't think he would have made it.

Their phone conversation went like this.

" Hello?"

" This is Sherlock Holmes."

" Oh hey."

" By that pause you are uncomfortable with the situation because we haven't spoken after you found out that John and I are in a relationship. You are uncomfortable with the idea of me being gay. I assure you George, I'm not gay. I have never found another man attractive except for John. You have nothing to worry about whatsoever. State your case, I don't waste time."

John snickered from the kitchen.

" Um...okay...just a homicide. The twist is that he was killed in a room without any windows and the door locked from the inside. He was stabbed twice in the back."

Greg gave him the address of the crime scene.

" We will be there as soon as possible."

" Wait! Sherlock!"

Sherlock's brows furrowed. He was in no mood for chit chat with Gabe.

" Yes?"

" Are you two alright? I noticed you've been getting quite a lot of attention lately."

This time Sherlock felt uncomfortable.

" John can talk to you when we get there. Goodbye Galvin."

" My name is-"

Sherlock hung up the phone and sighed deeply.

" Why do people care about our relations John?"

John smiled.

" Because they don't have any relations of their own to focus on."

They took a taxi to the crime scene, and got a funny look from the cabbie. John hated being noticed by everyone, being judged. He tried to ignore everyone's stares but it proved to be more difficult than he expected. He felt like the man was staring at him for too long, so he yelled:

" Yes? Can I help you?"

He turned around quickly, suddenly embarrassed. Sherlock gave John a concerned glance and wrapped his arm around John's shoulders. He whispered in his ear:

" Are you okay doing this?"

" I'm fine. Fine, just...I don't like people looking at me funny."

" Everyone will have forgotten about us by the end of the month. Don't worry. We just have to work through the days until then."

John turned and smiled at Sherlock.

" I had no idea you could be so supportive."

" Well I am your... companion aren't I?"

" Yes, well I suppose now you are."

The rest of the cab ride was silent while the cabbie kept sneaking glances at London's hottest new couple.

They finally arrived at the apartment complex. They exited the cab , side by side.

" Just like normal John."

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