Chapter 19

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Sherlock and John noticed Molly hadn't come into work. They assumed she was taking a break after what happened. But when Lestrade called, she never answered.

The two men decided to check up on Molly, to make sure she was okay.

When they arrived at her flat, something was off.

The door was unlocked, so they stepped in.

Sherlock noticed that there was cat food all over the floor, and a fat brownish white cat was sleeping next to his bowl.

There was a piece of paper on the table.

It was a note.

I just wanted to be happy

~ Molly


It was past tense!

Sherlock yelled " John!" as they ran into her bedroom and was met with a horrible stench.

It smelled like a mixture of rotting meat and cheap perfume.

To their horror, Molly was lying on the bed.


Not breathing.


Sherlock stood, gaping.

John walked up to the body and checked it.

" Four days."

Sherlock was still in shock.

" Molly Hooper has been dead for four days."

Sherlock closed his mouth and nodded.

John picked up the phone and dialed Lestrade.

It was all Sherlock's fault.


They arrived at the police station, with Sherlock's face blank.

Molly Hooper. Dead.

John was shocked also, and he was a bit teary, but Sherlock...

He looked as if he had seen a ghost.

He didn't even feel himself propelling forward.

He was completely numb.

Molly Hooper is... dead.


He wanted to cry, but no tears would spill over.

This couldn't be happening.

Not Molly.

Why Molly?

His expression was blank, but you could see the hurt in his eyes if you looked closely.

Only John could see it.

It caused him to hold Sherlock tighter.

They entered the station when they were greeted with a familiar face.


He was visibly angry.

Not surprising.

He was walking up to Sherlock when he shouted:

" You fucking BASTARD!"

His fist connected with Sherlock's face and he was on the floor, bleeding.

He barely noticed the pain.

" Why did you treat her like absolute shite?"

No reply.

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